
What is the best weapon choice?


Elite Halberd is not a bad choice, and on average it probably does slightly more damage than any other weapon, especially if you have a high Spear skill rating. However, I prefer the Titanic Trident. Here are the statistics:

Elite Halberd - 3d6+10 - avg 20.5 damage
Titanic Trident - 2d6+12 - avg 19 damage

After all your pluses for skill, magical enhancement, etc., your weapon doing an extra 1.5 points of damage (with the Halberd) seems less important than getting an extra +2 to hit (with the Trident). My philosophy is that I'd rather be sure to hit my opponent. I'm already doing plenty of damage per successful hit.

As far as the sword goes, it's a fairly easy choice, for the same reasons as above: the Lionheart Sword (3d3+12) has the best plus to hit, and therefore is my favorite choice for a sword.

Just my opinion of course!


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