Welcome to The List.

adam benkel - 10/13/00 15:29:00
My Email:abenkel@aol.com
CPU Speed (MHz): 120
RAM: 16
Favorite Game: X-WING ALLIANCE
Favorite OPT of mine: ALL
Least Favorite OPT: none

COOL opts. i will make sure to download them on to my new computer

adam benkel - 10/13/00 15:27:58
My Email:abenkel@aol.com
CPU Speed (MHz): 120


dreddnott - 09/20/00 07:14:23
My URL:http://www.xwlegacy.net
My Email:dreddnott@yahoo.com
CPU Speed (MHz): AMD Athlon K7-700
RAM: 192MB PC100
OS: Windows 95 OSR2/RedHat Linux 6.2
Favorite Game: Unreal Tournament
Favorite OPT of mine: T-21
Least Favorite OPT: ESD

Well, I haven't exactly updated my page in a while, have I? All I can say is that I never bothered to check and see if my page exploded on Y2K for 9 months...

Keevan Colton - 10/01/99 13:30:07
My Email:Keevancolton@yahoo.com
CPU Speed (MHz): 200
RAM: 32
OS: Win 95
Favorite Game: BoP
Favorite OPT of mine: E-wing
Least Favorite OPT: Scimitar

Keep up the good work and may the Force be with you...

Mom - 06/19/99 07:42:04
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/shuttlebug
My Email:rb1188@mscomm.com
CPU Speed (MHz): 400
RAM: 80
OS: win95
Favorite Game: gin rummy
Favorite OPT of mine: big one
Least Favorite OPT: little one

So, this is what you do all day! You should be cleaning your room, you naughty boy!

Hernán - 06/18/99 03:23:16
My URL:http://post.herlev-snet.dk/xvt/
My Email:rzhnan@multi.com.uy
CPU Speed (MHz): 200
RAM: 48
Favorite Game: X-Wing Alliance
Favorite OPT of mine: W-Wing
Least Favorite OPT: ???

This is a nice page, you should update it with other athors' designs, but it continues being nice. Good Luck!

DashRendar - 06/16/99 00:31:09
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/episode_one
My Email:dashrendar6@yahoo.com
CPU Speed (MHz): a very low number -- but not for long! :)
RAM: 36
OS: Windows 98
Favorite Game: hmm...
Favorite OPT of mine: let me look at them again and i'll tell you :P
Least Favorite OPT: ditto ^

nice page dredd, i must say it's effort shows. continue with the good work.

Samuel "Nerd2" Garcia - 05/08/99 19:46:40
My URL:http://www.cnr.ndirect.co.uk/hellhounds/
My Email:sgarcia@nerd2.freeserve.co.uk
CPU Speed (MHz): 133
RAM: 32
OS: Win 98
Favorite Game: XvT/XWA
Favorite OPT of mine: E-Wing
Least Favorite OPT: Chr'daki-Twi'lek ugly

My web site ain't that good.....

dreddnott - 05/03/99 21:01:45
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/TimesSquare/Ring/1957/default.html
My Email:dreddnott@geocities.com
CPU Speed (MHz): AMD K6-2 400 MHz
OS: Windows 95 OSR2/RedHat Linux 5.2
Favorite Game: X-Wing Alliance
Favorite OPT of mine: Nearly all of them, some were difficult to make though...
Least Favorite OPT: ESD actually...it's an ugly SOB and hell to work with!

Having upgraded my computer to crush your puny systems and run XWA smoothly, I decided to re-sign. Anyways ProtoCAD fun to use, if you have a DXF of a ship loaded, Click the edit menu, click point move, click the points you want to move, hit ESC, then cli k the destination for those points. Do NOT add or remove points! Then Extract as a DXF, run wOPTUtils and there you go.

Slade - 04/30/99 00:47:47
My Email:Neo_Kmir@yahoo.com

how do i work protocad?

Shawn Campbell - 04/15/99 21:06:13
My URL:http://www.clearnet.net/users/campbell/home_page_personal.html
My Email:soscommander@hotbot.com
CPU Speed (MHz): 233+MMX
RAM: 32
OS: Unknown
Favorite Game: XVT/BOP
Favorite OPT of mine: ESD
Least Favorite OPT: W-Wing

About time I sign this!I've been putting it off for weeks.

J_C_sabre - 04/15/99 03:49:24
My Email:J_C_good@hotmail.com
CPU Speed (MHz): 133
RAM: 80 meg
OS: Windows 98
Favorite Game: Xwing Alliance
Favorite OPT of mine: TIE Phantom
Least Favorite OPT: Lancer Frigate

Just wanted to say hi. And get XWA, so there can be more Editing!

Chris - 04/02/99 05:55:47
My URL:http://xvtdu.8m.com
My Email:chrisw10@hotmail.com
CPU Speed (MHz): 233
RAM: 64
OS: Win95 build 4
Favorite Game: XWA
Favorite OPT of mine: Of yours? Psh. V38 by a longshot. :)
Least Favorite OPT: Hmm... Well... I don't really want hurt your feelings.... Let's see. I think it would be... Do I have to tell you? Yes? Oh all right. hmm... For lack of indecision, I'll pick a random one. Commercial Spaceport. How's hat? Good? Bad? Well, you asked, not me. =)

Oh. oops. I figure all my comments are above. =0S ?? =)

Christopher Reed - 03/15/99 07:12:10
My Email:Crash74@mindless.com
CPU Speed (MHz): 166
RAM: 24
Favorite Game: XvT
Favorite OPT of mine: V38
Least Favorite OPT: CBS


dreddnott - 03/08/99 21:15:57
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/TimesSquare/Ring/1957/default.html
My Email:dreddnott@geocities.com
CPU Speed (MHz): Cyrix MX w/200MHz clock, 83MHz Bus
OS: Windows 95 OSR 2/RedHat Linux 5.2
Favorite Game: X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter
Favorite OPT of mine: All of them
Least Favorite OPT: None of them

Hooray! Guestbook is online again!

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