Hello, this is my vast collection of links. I feel that all of these pages are very well done and should all be looked at..

Page O' Chocolatey Goodness- This is not your average run of the mill OverPower page. This guy is definitely "The Man".

Rath & Spidey's Page - Ok, here's the thing...... You got this guy, and he get's bit by a radioactive spider. And he's like "Hey! I got super powers!", so he starts dressing up in tights to fight crime. We'll one thing leads to another and "Biggidy Bam!" this page appears.

Lobo's OverPower Page- This is the page to look at. Go trade DC With everyones favorite villian Lobo, It's more fun than a barrel of um...... stuff.

Meg's Snazzy X- Files Page- This is Meg's page. She's a little more obsessed with X-Files than she'd like to admit, but who's perfect.

Mich's Page- It's classy, sassy, it's a musical humdinger.