Welcome to My Diablo Friends Page, We play Legit on Battlenet.
@Star_Fire@'s Haven

~ @Star_Fire@'s Haven ~

RoseZel's Home

I Kick Butt in Diablo!!!

with the Help of my Friends!!!

A Special Thank You to My Diablo Buddies!

Happy Birthday today 17 JUNE 00, To Tr@cker_F

Hope you have a Great One!

Thanks for spending Most of it with US!

Hope You ALL are having a Great Year 2000!!!

~ Cheers ~

Thanks for all the Laughs!

~ Ein Prosit Der Gemutlichheit ~

Visit BLIZZARD or not

Visit *DIABOLIC* ~Best listing of Legit Items and Much more...!

Do not forget to sign guest book , OK!

Greeting from Tampa, Florida!

i really like it here in Tampa

It is very much like Hawaii

But lots of Awesome Veiws and Birds Galor

photos still pending

Aloha from Hawaii!

~Arizona Memorial~ view from Ford Island -Apr 98-taken by Sara

~Thank You for Stoppin In~

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Johnathan Crainer's Astrology-Horoscopes

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Thank You SaltyDog for helping me start my Web page!

Visit his page! He has an Extremely Well Done Home!

For a Bitching Sailor *S*

Salty Dog's Quarters

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