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This Page was last updated on 3/26/2005
Home PC networking
Resource Center
If you are looking for tips on how to network and share your   DSL/Cable line at home.  You have come to the right place.  We have examples and links to some very useful website. If you do not feel like doing it yourself we can help.  We provide service in the San Jose, Bay Area.  We also provide upgrading, repairing, and building custom PC services.

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About us:-                
                    This link has a little more information about us.

Currents Projects:-
                    Shows simple example of small home/business network, and our current projects, with pictures of my new custom built PC's.

Tech News:-
                    News about new technology. 

Contact us:-            
                    Click on this link to send us your comments, questions, or for information if you need us to help you with a project.