Welcome one and all to Pokémon Underground.The new version of Yosher and Pokémon Island!I'm only updating because I have to homework and because I needed to check threw all my E-Mails for ppl who wanted a Mew Award or to see how well they did on the Quiz.Check otu the Quiz and Award section for details.
Updates~09/23/2000: Lots of UpdatesWell,as you may already know,I have finaly updated the Mew Award secton.Plus,soon I will have many Pokémon and other game related items in the shop,comming soon!!I only have 1 of each item though,since they are used items that rate excellent-perfect condition!Also updated the GS section a bit.Be sure to check out the new Quiz and Quizlet!
Pocket Newz
Pokémon GS Contest~Lucky subsribers will have an unfair advantage in the Nintendo Power PKMN GS Contest,where you can be the only person on America or Canada to have the special edition GS GBC!!Since they will get it much earlier than the stores will.And it's only on sale in the Pokémon Center,Tolyo Japan!!
Pokémon Stadium2~Comming out in 2 years in Pokémon Stadium2,which allow you to use all 251 Pokémon in better and sharper looking battle arenas!!More will be added once I find out more.
School~Because of school,It will take even LONGER for my updates,sorry ppl.If u'd liek to chat with me or anything,I'm usually on Yahoo! Messanger as OrangeMew64 or SephirothnChocobo,or on the Yahoo! Checker Boards at the Ferret Hole.
Another GS Contest~Go to either pokemongold.com or pokemonsilver.com and type in the pin number that came with the card on your free GS CD that came with your pre-order of G or S.Dayly winners too!