Languages: One of the first things you will mention here is that all races have their own languages. If you want to talk to other people you need to know at least one language your partner knows. The most languages can be learned by all players, some ancient or guild specific languages might be more restricted. In general it is a good idea to learn the language 'common' as your first language. Most npc's ( non player characters) will have some knowledege in this language and you are able to talk to them. How to use the languages? If you use a command like 'say', 'shout', 'whisper' and 'ask' you will automatically use your default language. To check this language or to set it to another language use the 'language' command. If you just want to say something in another language and the continue using your actual default language you can use the 'lsay', 'lshout', 'lask' and 'lwhisper' command. These commands allow you to specify which language to use and don't change the default language. Example: > language Your default language is: human. - I will speak in human > say Hi elf! Ok. - I use the human language > language elvish Your default language is now: elvish. - I will use elvish now > say Do you understand me now? Ok. - Now I use elvish language > lsay human Learn human language! Ok. - Use human for this sentence > say This is still elvish Ok. - I will still use elvish
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