Mega Man XMega Man X has evolved through the years gaining many new
powers along the way. Ever since the Mavericks appeared, X has battled them and defeted
their leader Sigma three times now. His past remains a mystery, but X always has
a strong sense of justice and believes in a world where humans and reploids live
together in peace. Always fighting for justice, X will do
whatever it takes to defend the world and hopefully one day discover Dr Light's
purpose for him in life. |
IrisIris is the girlfriend of Zero and is also the Colonel's sister.
Always torn between her love for Zero and her brother's stubborn actions, she pleads
with Zero not to fight the Colonel. |
DoubleDouble is a Maverick and is Sigma's spy who at first seems to
aid X by giving him information about the actions of the Repliforce. His true
intention was to be the insider who would gain X's plans of action and pass them
on to his leader Sigma. |
ZeroZero is Mega Man's best friend who has been a great partner in the past.
Zero's past has remained a mystery, but after Zero's constant nightmares of his
creator, it is now rumored that the evil Dr Wily created Zero to eventually destroy X.
Although this may be the truth, Zero is still fighting for justice and has never turned
against X. |