Family: Mother: Leana Father: Tiras (Deceased) Brother: None Sister: None Lifemate: None at this time Recognized: Has not yet done so Kits: None so far
Standing slightly over 4'1", long golden brown hair curls would fall to his thighs but it is caught up in a coil at the back of his head. Light blue eyes seem to glow against the dark tan of his skin, thin sharp nose framed by regal cheekbones and turned down just slightly at the end. Broad shoulders taper to lean narrow hips, his body long and lightly muscled, though much stronger than appearance would lead you to believe. Hidden under the green leather of his vest is a scar across the left side of his chest.atching his vest in color are snug breeches. Both the vest is trimmed in bold golden yellow and the same color mark the crisscrossing design up the outside seams of his breeches. Matching his vest in color are snug breeches, both trimmed in bold golden yellow. The same color marks the crisscrossing design up the outside seams of his breeches. The waist is also a golden yellow band just above his hips, a brown belt hangs slightly lower and matches the boots that adorn his feet. He carries a spear with him almost constantly and a dagger is strapped to one thigh.
Relphar was born to Leana and Tiras some 110 turns ago, In His youth he got a bit of a reputation as a hellion, especially after he got his first bound Mirky. They would run through the jungles, Relphar yelling at the top of his lungs and Mirky adding his youthful growl to his bond's. Relphar was also notorious for his pranks, always something diffrent, but always inventive. But soon Relphar grew up, the pranks subsiding and being replaced by a will to be more good to the tribe. He turned out to be a great hunter and stalker. He learned his history of his tribe and how to make his own weapons and such, but these were secodary to his joy of Stalking and Hunting for his tribe. The one thing he had a difficult time with, his heart being large and outgoing, was when Mirky passed on. For about two turns he was slightly less exuberant and joyful than normal, but then Kandra's bond had a litter and he bounded to one of the kittens. With his new panther friend he was his normal self.
About 25 years ago, though, after the fires of the jungle and the tragedies it brought (his father was taken by the flames) he left the heat of the jungles to explore the savanaahs to the north and east. There he trained his vigil's and his skill and discipline. Occasionaly he would return to visit his mother, but mostly he stayed away, thought to his dismay his second mount passed away soon after he had left the jungle. And so he has remained mountless since that time, though he honed his skills to make up for this. Recently he has cornered his grief and decided to return to the Jungles to see new faces and new ideas.
Character Stats: Personality Traits: Inquisitive, Proud, Devoted, Romantic, Gossipy, Innocent/Naive, Distractable, Precise/Punctual, and Playful Physical/Mental Traits: Slightly Above Average Strength, Very Dexterous, Intelligent, Superb Constitution, and Quite Handsome.