Call me Ishameal. Just know that if you do, I probably won't answer, and if I do, it'll be with an incredulous stare. My name's actually Matthew Justin Alexander, and I'm a pretty normal
guy. Sixteen years old, Junior at Lovejoy High School, blah, blah blah. I've been labeled as both a Computer Know-It-All and a Computer Illeriterate.. it just depends on who you ask. I know HTML (obviously) and QBASIC (and TI-BASIC), and plan to learn C++ and Java so I can start making money in Programming. The Computer Programming is just gonna be temporary though, until my allegorical, satirical novel gets published and becomes a bestseller. Oh yes, and I can't forget my future wife, Melsies. Beautiful, ain't she?
Okay.. what else is there about me? Oh yeah, I play Warhammer 40k (obviously - can you guess what army I use?), and I read ALOT. Mostly fantasy, though I'm reaching into Politic Science and Philosophy (mainly just Atlas Shrugged, Communist Manifesto, and portions of Plato's Republic).
If you'd like for me to be the Webmaster of your webpage, you may email me at My day's (after school) are pretty much open, and I enjoy writing code ::coughsNERDcoughs:: and I play WarCraft II in my spare time, so if you'd like to be destroyed by legions of Death Knights, feel free to contact me too ::evil grin::