Brun (original character sketch: 'the old Brun')
Brun (character sketch)
Brun when he was known as 'Braun'
Brun at the 'battle of Sooth'
Brun's tattoos (one on each cheek)
Brun's blade -
Brun uses the
of Mishra
(Brun's woman)
Jaque of Narev
(as a nobleman)
Jaque perfoms his
'Karma Ritual'
Jaque pledges to princess Valuwynn
Jaque defeats a sky raider captain
Jaque's Wolf Helmet
Jaque at the 'battle of Charlo-Narev'
Jaque breaks his pledge
Kaenyss (formerly Jaque
of Narev
Jaque as a cartoon character.
Jarra (two sketches)
Jarra's 1st snatch
Jarra drinks a magic potion
Jarra tricks some Kuerans
Jarra's impenetrable tower of treasures.
Harrigan (elven master thief)
Harrigan's finely crafted blade
Harrigan plants Templars helm on Jarra's head
Conor -
the vengeful
Conor and his cloak
Conor's espagra familiar.
Conor casts 'Earth darts'.
of the longstaff.
Ferastin's sword
Ferastin's uncle Raenell battles a serpent
Marian of the wart (ex-player, now a cursed NPC)
Marian gets the WART.
Templar (ex-player, now a possessed NPC)
'the wild'
- Beastmaster champion of Kuera
The 'Red Gremlin Bastard Sword'
Map of where it all began..
The 'key of Kuera'
The fireball that killed the Manticore
Map of the Manticore's lair
Map of Doraton village (for current adventure)
Map of Lower Kaer (Doraton)
Back to the Cavern..