Welcome to the Gurpsorium of the Compulsive Procrastinator.

This is my homepage of Gurpsy stuff. It's not under construction, it's supposed to look like this.

Last update 21/9/1998 (yes, european notation. Once again the intelligent choice.)

Obligatory "Mail Me" link.
Take your pick:

What's New?

High-tech toys

Don't you just love guns?
You can never have too many guns...A collection of TL 8 guns, with illustrations.

Colonial marines

You have lots of weapons, monsters to kill, all expenses paid. How can you not be happy?

Blooded Nobility

Keep staring and you will be strengthening my bloodline soon... GURPS Birthright. Still in development and undergoing continuos changes. This is the campaign that I run at the moment.


My collection of vehicles.

Alpha class 'Borg
Enforcer class 'Borg


TRC - Tasstrup Rollespilsklub. A Roleplaying (and boardgaming) club of which I am proud to be a member. Excellent place, but the page is pretty new.
Blackhammer Project. Excellent Cyberpunk site. The source of the illustrations for my guns.
Birthright Netbook. A lot of original material, of varying quality.
SJG. The company that makes GURPS and a lot of other goodies. Take a look around, there is actually a lot of good stuff here.
Stern's Office. Cyberpunk genre guns with illustrations and GURPS stats, and other goodies.
This link leads to the files on my "work" computer.

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