A D6 conversion!

In this area, I will detail my attempt to convert the Rifts game into the D6 verion. It's coming along slowly, but at least it IS getting somewhere. If you have any ideas that you think might help, let me know.
The following is a list of scales for use in Rifts, using the D6 system:

I am going to utilize a Die cap system, similar to Star Wars Role Playing Second Edition. This means that if a lighter scale weapon is hitting a heavier scale item, it will not be able to roll as high as the heavier scale. And the reverse is true. If a heavier scale weapon hits a lighter scale item, the lighter scale will more likely be annihilated by the heavier scale, since it will not be able to roll as high on the dice.
I will present a table that will list the maximum die rolls for each scale when compared to the others. I went this way, rather than having a dice shift, in order to keep the number of dice rolling down to a lower amount. Some of the damage for the weapons in Rifts is immense, and requires quite a few dice.

Other things that I will immediately attempt to get up on this page are:

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