The Last Epic is the story of a young man named Lance, who is drawn into a web of seemingly isolated incidents where innocent people are being threatened by evil forces. But while Lance initially believes that he is only helping one village or two, what he cannot see is that these events are each being orchestrated by the gods of Mystania, the land that Lance inhabits, in order to destroy the Child of Destiny, whose birth is prophecied to signal the end of the reign of the many gods and the introduction of a single deity into Mystania. Some people inhabiting Mystania are also trying to find this Child of Destiny, for purposes both good and evil. But who is this person, this messiah who has consumed the minds of both man and his gods? Only by playing The Last Epic: Messiah can you discover this answer.

Game Script Version 2.23-Here is the game script as it stands so far. But be warned, this is full of spoilers, but if you're someone who doesn't mind that take a look and give me a call at to tell me whether you like it so far.