Tav's Outline

Going Fishing.

Basially the plan for this is, some Sea Folk told Rand that there was one
of the ter'angreal that controls the big male Sa'angreal is located on an
So, it's our duty, as loyal BT drunks, to go find it and return with it.
Andy's being sent as commander (still needs to RP his marked crap, and
tell me what BG he wants to be in), and of course, I'll be going as Sen.
I'll leave most of what we do along the way vague, since anyone can RP in
it, and that way you all can let it all loose.

1. We gather in Tear, and Sen gets us a Sea Folk boat with some coaxing.
2. We head out on the sea, with all 15 of us crammed on the boat, feeling
crappy (Taurs eats too much tearan food).
3. We hit a Seanchan group, 5 ships or so, and we do a little pirating and
loot and pillage!! ARGGG!!!
4. We get to the isle.
5. Lovely creatures mess with our party, maybe the island's located in a
6. Tor falls in love with the giant sea turtle on the island... involves a
porn scene.
7. We leave Tor to himself, get the ter'angreal (supposedly) and head out
of the steading/amazon island.
8. Have a nice cruise back. (We got the Sea Folk out there, so we're
responsible for getting them back to Tear.)
9. Tor's giant turtle doesn't like being spurned, and busts our boat.
10. We hit the Tearan whore houses.

Remember the meeting guys. Also, any webpage help would be appreciated, and anyone that wants to run a RP, let me know.
Oh yeah, and Baldur's Gate looks like it'll be out really soon. Software Etc says 1 month, but I'm thinking 3-4 weeks probably. So everyone plan on getting it!


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