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Welcome to Gameldar's Home

This is just a website created by me where I stick random ideas, stupid things and anything else that crosses my mind. Via what you see here you might enjoy sitting down to psycho-analyse me, practice your editing/marking skills picking up my spelling mistakes, or perhaps laugh... generally at me, not with me (although I have been known to laugh at myself from time to time since in hind-sight what could be taken for stupidy usually is worth a chuckle or two).

If you want to have a look a few of the things I've written go here. Otherwise read on to find out more about me.


Gameldar: The Intro

"You enter the room and find your way to the computer and look at a fellow with bright red hair. He looks rather pale as if he should go outside. Upon closer examination you see there are freckles on this face and arms indicating a past that saw more light than today. He turns his head towards you and his green eyes speckled with brown look back at you. Suddenly a smile crosses his face and you get the feeling that it is a face used to smiling. He stands up, stretching his hunched shoulders and extends his hand in a a friendly greeting."
I throw myself in among the computer geeks, and I'm willing to point out the typical features... that said I feel I have an excuse. I inherited an number of things from my scottish heritage (about 1/16th from my mothers side):

  • My name - Kirk (it means church)
  • My red hair
  • My pale and sensitive skin
So needless to say I don't go out into the Australian sun without a hat, sunnies and a thick lathering of sun screen (aka sun block).
I am slowling going through a reformation however, moving away from geek status. Yes I still spend ~9 hours a day in the warm radiating glow of a computer screen - but I get paid for those hours. Occasionally I do things on computers that I don't get paid for, but that has been on a steady decline in recent times. Do I miss it? Yes and no. I spend a lot of time starting things and never finishing them - basically if the lesson is learnt then there is no need running whatever I do through to completion. I still enjoy the free time I spend doing these things, but they have change in their placing of my priority list. But I hear you ask... what is the reason for my change? What sparked such a radical change in philosophy? It is a simple, one worded answer...
October 13th 2001, at about 1:50 pm Wendy and I exchanged our vows, dedicating our lives to each other in that simple, holy and God-given act of marriage! It was an exciting day, and great step but through God's grace its just got better and better.

So for those of you that just want the basic statistics (if your doing so for marketing reasons don't bother - I may sit in the typical high spending market, but that doesn't take into accound that I'm a screwdge!):

  • Name: Kirk
  • Age: variable depending on when your reading this. At least I hope it is still variable
  • Occupation: My business card says I'm a IT Project Manager for WA Go Online Pty. Ltd. but in practice I'm more a IT Project Manager/Software Engineer/System Administrator/Office Manager
  • Marrital status: Married with one... budgie (We have now given up on fish due to their high fatality rate).
  • Unplaced but important: I'm a committed Christian - normally this would be placed in the 'religion' category, but the word 'religion' or 'religious' has too many negative conitations. I prefer to think of myself as someone that tries to become more like Christ, and generally does a bad job at that, but slowly, slowly!