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Absolution is the story that I writing and updating on this web page. It was formally started on Monday 12th May 2003, although it had been formulating in my head for some time before that. Click here to go to the newest part of it. If you have any suggestions about where you would like to see it go then send me an email to  

Chapter 1

"Drat! Blast! Confounded..."
So began the stream of expletives pouring from the acrid belch of smoke hovering over the bench. By no means is this the best introduction to our hero, but then again perhaps in the eternal game of "pin the oversize novelty badge on the hero" the hand of those eternal would be more likely to pin it to a tree, and that without the aid of a blindfold. But let us not start with the wrong impression, it is not his hopelessness, or stupidity that lead the favour away from our hero... friend... aquaintance, but rather that he is the wrong calibre for hero status, like a donkey is the wrong calibre to be a warhorse.
As the smoke clears a weasily man with a shaggy brown beard, dressed in a long grey robe can be seen. If you were to place him next to Zeus, for every attribute of Zeus that you could pin-point and admire, you would find the opposite in our aqquaintance. Where Zeus is tall and strong, he is stumpy and weedy, where Zeus has long flowing locks, our innotable existence is a balding brown. Where Zeus throws around large bolts of lightning our amoeba in the space of time throws ... well let's not take the analogy too far. Whether it was some cruel and hiddeously accurate irony, or a extreme case of living up to your name our vision is set on a man name Suez. Suez (his stream of curses was subsiding) was wrestling with a large set of testtubes and flasks, boiling a strange liquid over a small blue flame. His face and eyebrows were singed from the explosion which happened, as Murphy deems must, at the moment when Seuz was closely scrutinizing the contents of the glassware. Scattered about the bench were a number of small jars with neatly written labels bearing such texts as:

    Scarlett Simper
    Caution: Keep out of reach of children,
    ladies that have had too much to drink,
    and monkeys with red bottoms
For all his faults, Suez was remarkedly apt at alchemy. At an early age he learned that if one was to suceed in life, one must be willing to take diverge from the path of hard work and determination and instead take the path of deceit, flattery and trickery. Taking such an aspect to his education, he developed an untenuated resourcefulness, finding alternative solutions to the difficult lessons. For example instead of learning how to teleport himself from one destination to another, he discovered (for the efforts of passing "Teleportation I") creating a cloud of smoke and running really quickly was just as convincing as actually teleporting. Indeed for this case he earned extra credit for not only teleporting, but doing it with flare.