SWAT Level #11

Relevant Legend

SWAT movement
SWAT sniper position

Shoot tear gas in that direction

This mission includes 2 suspects, which can be both in one building, or one suspect in each building. First, put your snipers in their positions and give them a green light (). The western building is inhabited with 2 innocents, so go in that house first, because of the risk for hostage situations. Don't forget to shoot tear gas as soon as you open the door with a battering ram. After you are done with the first house, go to the abandoned house. Every time you open a door with a battering ram, shoot immediately tear gas inside and enter. If the suspect is there, arrest him. If he's not there, go on to the next room in the same way you did before. Look out for booby traps, those suspects like to escape into a small room and put a booby trap there. Also, you will have to arrest at least 1 suspect. This is vital for you to finish the game.

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