dress.gif (1752 bytes) Is Guybrush Threepwood bisexual?  
(yes, we know he loves Elaine however....)

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bi0.gif (54729 bytes)   That's nice Snugglecakes...

bi1.gif (42930 bytes)...Intresting reply Guybrush

bi2.gif (36926 bytes)Okay, how about talking to passing sailors?

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        Note Guybrush's reply 
        when he tries to pick up 
        when Griswald Goodsoup.



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Sounds like fun!





Might Guybrush be looking for more than just a demonic buddy?

Don't worry Guybrush, you're sexy even if Murry doesn't think so.

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  Ah...the question we would all like answered.



   That LeChuck, he is so mean!


   Intresting reference to The Crying Game.


     Foolish!   Hey LeChuck, don't mock things
     you don't understand.



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