The Robert Ludlum draft FAQ - v0.1 - 22 May, 1996

FAQ Information

The FAQ, is still a very rough draft, and as I get more info, the structure and content will improve..also it will become two HTML and one text. This version is being numbered as version 0.1 - the first final version of the FAQ will be ver 1.0. Small changes in the FAQ will have small changes in the version number, and large ones, large changes. I will try to update this, as often as I can.The latest version of the FAQ will always be available, on my homepage at - if it isn't, let me know by Email.

This FAQ is written, and maintained by me, Badri Natarajan,( and I hold the copyright on it. Unauthorized copying, modifying, or use for commercial purposes is prohibited, unless authorized by me. Copying for personal reading or non-commercial purposes is allowed. If you put this up on a web site, or FTP archive, please let me know. You have my permission - just let me know. All I ask is, you don't modify this document, and give me credit as the maintainer.

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Last modified: June 121996
Badri Natarajan
Contact me at