URI http://geocities.datacellar.net/tokyo/1236/states1.html
Each human has capacity to experience four states of consciousness, (we meet mostly the first and second states in ordinary life; third and fourth states states are rare and intermittent, can be reached reliably only through school work).
States are cumulative, that is, states are added to each other.
Each state has a range of values with a threshold at the transitions from one state to another.
Each state can see all the states lower than itself.
It is possible to damage the organism (for example, through the use of psychotropic drugs) and render it incapable of experiencing the third and fourth states.
First state = Sleep at night
- Dreams.
- Vague impressions barely penetrating centres.
- Imagination
- Identification.
- Period when organism recharges accumulators.
- Operates usually on H24.
Second State = Waking Sleep (our usual state)
- Usual human state wherein we conduct our daily lives.
- Characterised by imagination, lying, identification.
- Creates more or less permanent memories in the lower centres, depending upon the depth impressions penetrate.
- Operates usually on H24.
Third State = Self-Consciousness
- Rare.
- Usually occurs in moments of extreme danger or extreme emotion (for example, grief).
- Creates an out-of-time memory.
- Can see the truth about oneself.
- Higher emotional centre operating.
- Operates on H12.
Fourth State = Objective Consciousness
- Extremely rare.
- Creates an out-of-time memory.
- Can see the truth about everything existing.
- Higher intellectual centre operating.
- Cosmic consciousness, Divine consciousness.
- Operates on H6.