Magic the Gathering
Theme Decks...
(Deck colors follow theme name
with most significant color first.)
Heaven's Prejudice:
(God deck Rev. #3)
Fighting for Territory:
Treacherous Spellcasters:
Pacifised Library Destruction:(and
The THUG deck:
(Fairly even in color) (Rev. #1)
Revenge of the Spikes:
The Black Plague:
The Barrier of Defense:(and
artifacts)(God deck Rev. #4)
Many and Short In Between:????
Big Guys Look Dumb: (and artifacts)
(God deck Rev. #5)
Cecil's Ultimate Stasis deck: Artifacts,
Trample Damage:(and
Angel Deck:(and
Crispy Critters:
Point Deck
(and artifacts)
Grand Theft: Creatures
(and two artifacts. :) )
Little Black Bubbles (and very helpful artifacts)