Sailor Venus

"Like, Ami! Like, stop talking in that gibberish and junk. I gotta take out my DiC brand English to English dictionary! Like, duh!"

Name: Mina Aino

Age: 15

Height: 5'7" (hair, 5'8")

Hobbies: Shopping, buying, and wearing!

Favorite Color: Visa Gold

Favorite Food: Bubble Gum

Least Favorite Food: Vegetables! (like, yuck!)

Favorite Subject: Gym

Least Favorite Subject: Anything requiring concentration (I, like, get headaches a lot)

Has Trouble With: Walking and chewing gum at the same time.

Like, when mean people try to take the... (*Ami, quick, like, what planet are we on? Stop babbling! I'm, like, sure we're on the same one....Oh yeah! Stupid Stupid me!*) Earth! That's it! Earth! Now, what was I talking about....?

Like, that's all I remember for now!

Like, I really want to go back and see that Freakshow!

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