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The SDH is gone, but Sailormars isn't

The Super-Dimensional Homepage is gone. I cannot maintain its pages any longer. BUT, the ORIGINAL Sailor Mars Shrine is still up for you to enjoy. This page is the last of Mark Nazal's aka Jubei's legacy. I have handed the page over to Psyber Raven, a long time friend and contributor to the Hino Rei cause. Please direct all questions and comments to him. I will still be around writing fanfics or maybe playing Ultima Online once it comes out. If you still want to talk to me, email me at:

Well, I guess this is good-bye to the World Wide Web. It's been a great 2 years, and I hope there will be considerably less Sailor Moon pages if ever I get back.

Counter visitors since November of 1995, and still going strong.

The Sailor Mars Shrine Fanfiction Page Grandpa's Penpal Corner
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If you have any questions or comments, then mail me at: Remember to read the disclaimer.
The FORMER Super-Dimensional Homepage created by Mark Nazal aka Jubei. He is now gone. :(