What is up, the Maestro is on, and my HP is back in effex.

thanx for dropping by. i am now in SoCal, and my Files are HERE TO STAY BAY BEE!!! so if you haven't checked it out yet, now would be a good time to do so. i remember saying after story 7 that i hope i don't have to write a sequel. but thanx to a lousy 2002 i'm up to FIFTEEN stories now. so grab a kleenex and dig in...

Y2LK: the Trilogy? this was the year that all my questions were gonna be answered. instead i end the Y2LK Trilogy with more questions than ever before. i thought things were looking "crystal" clear, but the shattering of those dreams in hindsight were a good thing.

what an ingrate! worst HBK episode ever. lowest class human being i've ever met.

so maybe 2003 is the year that i get back to the basics. take care of my own business, and go from there. maestro needs to take care of MAESTRO first. and then maestro can take care of MAMACITA.

and speaking of mamacita...she's looking for the Maestro, she just doesn't realize it yet. Right person, Right place, WRONG time.

in other words, same old s***.

i'll have more stuff as soon as it becomes available.

much love, peace, and all that.



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