This page is for the Pok House alumni, who gratuated from Pui Ching Middle School (Macau) in July, 1985 or had studied as this house member.
If you want to add, change, delete the data,
subscribe a mailing address list (file or hardcopy) of Pok House, or have
some ideas of this homepage, just write a mail to Sio
Man Ngai or ICQ 456973.
本網頁刊載 澳門培正中學博社
(1985) 同學 的 電子郵箱地址。 如 同學們 欲提供有關之 最新 資料, 或對此網頁之
任何建議等, 歡迎你寫信給 蕭文毅 或 ICQ 456973。