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Name:Rachmawati Harijono
Date:Monday - 13/May/96 - 22:02:03
Homepage:Rachmawati's Homepage
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments:I am looking for the doggie you mentioned but couldn't find it...hehe.. may be it might help if you can make a big title MY DOGGIE..:P easier for me to find..hehe.. Anyways... talk to you latter... mata ne~~~
Name:William L. Downing
Date:Friday - 10/May/96 - 9:23:36
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I searched for Nagasaki because I was one of the first into the city during the Occupation, and I have pictures of the city that I thought somebody there should have. Maybe I can contact someone in the government who would want to see them.
Name:mizuki shodo
Date:Friday - 10/May/96 - 0:55:18
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: kyou ha sumann. kinou asano 6ji ni netanode
okirenakatta.honntouni sumann. ima 4jidakedo
mou gakkou kara kaetta mitaidane.mata dennwa
Name:Jake Kong
Email:It is going to be terminated!
Date:Sunday - 21/Apr/96 - 19:46:06
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I haven't look throuhg your homepage yet. Anyway, it is good to know someone far away in this way, right!
I am a HongKongnese and live in Canada. How about you?
Date:Monday - 1/Apr/96 - 22:51:05
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: Halo Bleh, Lumayan Nice Juga Kamu Punya
Hommie lho.
Oh Ya Bleh, Aku wis moco email soko kon.
Makasih Bleh.
Ngomong-2, kon kok iso entuk tempat URL
neng Geocities, piye carane? Gratis Po
Oh Ya Had, tulung bleh yo, di put aku IRC mu.
Terus, setenv ne, nganggo o jeneng iki:
Wis sik bleh, oh ya, jare hari iki si Har
'pindahan' kamar yo?
Name:shinobu eto
Date:Sunday - 31/Mar/96 - 12:27:17
Referred from:IRC
Comments: sattki ha totuzen kiete gomen nasai.matamata error desita.
akhirnya aku cari hommie mu!!jikan ga kakatta yo,nazeka Tokyo niha tunagari nikukatta .
tapi kalo turis nomor teleponmu di hommie,itazura denwa toka nai no?
watasi nara fuan ni naruna.alamat juga!!
nanka anata ha cool na org indo no you de hanasi ga siyasui kaniji mo simasu.
irc de atta hoka no hito mo mochiron mina ii hito dakedo kalo kamu ,karena sdh tahu jepang
nante iu ka totemo reisei ni hanasete iina to omu.
mata irc de aoune!!
Name:Maggie h
Email:nggak ada
Date:Monday - 25/Mar/96 - 19:07:28
Referred from:Indonesian's Home Page
Comments: Hallo nama: maggie sekolah di perth kakak gue juga sekolah di tokyo lho ntar gue juga nyusul kok see yaa
Name:Hasan Bilgin
Date:Tuesday - 19/Mar/96 - 3:47:32
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I am desperately seeking for some internet connections in Surabaya, especially gouvernamental! Can you help me?
Name:George A Wedgwood
Date:Tuesday - 12/Mar/96 - 13:47:14
Referred from:Indonesian's Home Page
Comments: I am looking for a professional health and safety engineer/consultant in Surabaya or Jakarta to do business with. Must be reliable and able to do business with a large International Power Company
Name:Yamin Shafie
Date:Saturday - 9/Mar/96 - 6:11:11
Homepage:Yamin's playground
Referred from:Indonesian's Home Page
Comments: The pages here are kinda boring, you guys hven't put much effort on putting up an
eye catching page. Improve your homepage dong. I see there are quite a few indonesians who've been surfing the net, and living in Japan
I'm half malay, and half indon, my uncle in indonesia sells the internet subsrciption, cool huh? hey come visit my page!!
Oh i've lived in Japan for eight years. How about you?
Name:jim north
Date:Monday - 4/Mar/96 - 15:06:23
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Harap bahwa kami omong nanti. Senang sekali kenal orang Indonesia di web.
Date:Tuesday - 27/Feb/96 - 20:41:42
Homepage:Irene's Design Madness
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: DAYAAAAM!!!!! How many Indonesians are out there on the web?
}:) Isn't this awesome? Eh, can anyone tell me kalian biasa nogkrong
di channel apa? (referring to irc) Gue juga mau ikutan akh! Someone
email me dong!!!!!!
Party on, dudes.
Name:Agus Sudrajat
Date:Monday - 26/Feb/96 - 4:13:19
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Salam kenal sama kamu yang ada di negara matahari, dan saya numpang nulis sedikit di home kamu, byeee
Name:Alain N. Surya
Date:Saturday - 24/Feb/96 - 23:55:15
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I found it accidentally
Name:Stephen Yuwono
Date:Thursday - 22/Feb/96 - 20:23:51
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: We'll get in touch sometimes
Name:Fairy Suryana
Date:Sunday - 18/Feb/96 - 2:00:10
Homepage:Fairy's Beat Factory
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Ehh,..sorry,...saya lagi nih..hehehe..Hadi tolong isi Guestbook kita juga okeee...di home page kita (http://home.aol.com/BeatFacto)