HeLLo... You are in my DALnet Page =) (duh. huh?). Well DALnet was created in the fall of 1994. The Gurus of this net were from #StarTrek in EFNet. These Trekies broke away and begain to start there own Net with just sci-fi stuff. It soon developed into a huge (well not as big as EFNet or Undernet) IRC gathering place. |
This server is a universal server. It will put you to the next avaliable DALnet server. If you were looking for a specific server use the UNIX Finger on servers@dal.net. This will give you the current servers that support DALnet. You can also reach DALnet though telnet. The telnet is telnet.dal.net.. You can click on the telnet client in the box. and check it out. Login as dalnet. |
Another DALnet webpage.