"Arrête ! C'est ici l'Empire de la Mort"
(Abbé Jacques Delille, Entrée des Catacombes Paris)
Autre nom: Mean Mark Callous, Cain the Undertaker, Texas Red
Taille: 2m04
Poids: 148 kg
Domicile: la Vallée de la Mort
Né le : 24 mars 1962
Phrase: Rest In Peace (Repose en Paix)
Mouvement final: Tombstone
- L'Undertaker fit ses débuts le 22 novembre 1990, aux Survivors Series, au coté de Ted Dibiase, Greg Hammer Valentine, le Honky Tonk Man où ils affrontaient Bret the Hitman Hart, Jim Neidhart, Koko B. Ware et Dusty Rhodes. Le Dead Man fut mis out par action de la foule.
- A Wrestlemania VII, le fossoyeur enterra Jimmy Superfly Snuka.
- Au Superstar, Tug Boot fut vaincu en 1991.
- Entre temps, l'Ultimate Warrior attaqua Paul Bearer, dans le salon funéraire. L'Undertaker, sortant d'un cerceuil, enterra le Warrior immediatement.
- En 1991, aux Survivors Series, le Reaper s'empara de l'or (la ceinture de champion du monde) de Hulk Hogan.
- Six jours plus tard, il y eu un match revanche, ou le Taker perdit le match ... mais la ceinture fut remise en jeu.
- A Wrestlemania VIII, le Grim Reaper vaincu Jake the Snake Roberts.
- A Summerslam 1992, le géant ougandais Kamala fut disqualifié par intervention de Kimchee...
- Aux Survivors Series 1992, Kamala perdit le match du Cerceuil. Kamala Rest In Peace.
- A cause du Giant Gonzales, l'Undertaker perdit illegalement le Royal Rumble 1993.
- A Wrestlemania IX, le Giant fut disqualifié pour avoir utilisé du chloroforme sur le Fossoyeur .... malgré cela ce dernier lui administra toute une correction.
- Quelques temps après Gonzalez attaqua Paul Bearer et vola l'Urne sacrée.
- Au Summerslam 93, lors d'un match Repose en Paix, l'Undertaker récupera son Urne sacrée.
- Au Royal Rumble 94, l'Undertaker perdit son match du Cerceuil contre Yokozuna qui fut aidé par 20 autres catcheur. L'Urne sacrée fut même ouverte !!! l'Undertaker ne reposa pas en Paix !
- L'Undertaker de Paul Bearer enterra l'Undertaker de Ted Dibiase au Summerslam 1994.
- L'année 1995 fut difficile pour le Fossoyeur qui s'est fait volé son Urne d'abord par Kama (Rest in Peace Kama, dans un Match du Cerceuil) puis par Mabel qui lui vola aussi le tournoi King of the Ring, il fut même blessé au visage en octobre par Yokozuna, Vader, et d'autre. Le Gream Reaper alla aux Survivors Series sans son Urne et avec un Masque.
- A In Your House du 17 décembre 1995, le Grim Reaper récupéra son Urne contre Mabel dans un match du Cerceuil.
- Aux Royal Rumble, comme à Monday Night Raw, l'Undertaker ne remporta pas le titre de Champion contre Bret Hart par intervention de Diesel.... Ce dernier a souffert le martyr par la suite !!!
- A Wrestlemania XII, Diesel fut épinglé par l'Undertaker.
- Le lendemain à Monday Night Raw, alors que le Dead Man aller gagné son match contre Justin Hawk Bradshaw quand il fut sauvagement attaqué par Mankind ....
- A Monday Night Raw du 6 mai 1996, l'Undertaker a battu Owen Hart.
- A In Your House du 26 mai, le Maitre des Ténébres a perdu pour le titre de Champion Intercontinental contre Goldust grace à l'aide de Mankind ...
- Peu de temps après, l'Undertaker perdit son match contre le British Bulldog grace encore à l'aide de Mankind.
- Au tournoi King of the Ring 1996, La Mort, suite à une intervention malheureuse de Paul Bearer avec son Urne, a été soumis pour la première fois par Mankind.
- A Monday Night Raw, Le Gream Reaper a battu par disqualification Steve Austin après que Goldust lui est jetté de la poussière d'or à la figure.
- A in Your House du 21/7/96, l'Undertaker perdit son match contre Goldust par intervention de Mankind .... qui a tiré le Reaper sous le ring...
- Le 17/8/96 le Fossoyeur a battu Who par un Tombstone.
- Au Summerslam 1996, le Fossoyeur a affronté Mankind, dans un match commencant à la chaufferie, ce terminant n'importe où. Le Gream Reaper a perdu son match, car Paul Bearer l'a frappé avec l'Urne. 6 hommes ont alors emporté son corps, peut être à tout jamais ?
- A Monday Night Raw du 19/8/96, lors d'un interview du traite de bearer avec Mankind, un homme a déposé sur le sol le corps du Taker. Quand bearer déclara que l'Undertaker etait parti, celui-ci se releva au grand plaisir de la foule. Il est vivant !!!.
- A Monday Night raw du 9/9/96, le Taker a battu Salvatore Sincere.
- A in Your House du 22/09/96, comme il n'y pas eu d'interférence externe, le Gream Reaper a battu Goldust. Plus tard, lorsque Mankind, venu dans un cerceuil, voulu y mettre Shawn Michaels, mais le Taker était dedans....
- A in Your House du 20/10/96, dans un match Enterré Vivant, l'Undertaker a enterre Mankind. Ce dernier fut aidé pour sortir de la tombe et avec Executioner, JHB, HHH, Crush et Bearer, la Mort fut enterré. Il n'est pas mort car à la fin du show la main du Reaper sortie de la tombe.
- Aux Survivor series du 17/11/96, l'Undertaker a encore battu Mankind alors que Paul Bearer était enfermé dans une cage.
- A Monday Night Raw du 18/11/96, Steve Austin gagne sur Mankind par disqualification suite à une intervention du Exocutioner. L'Undertaker intervient donc pour aider Austin ... celui-ci le 'remercie' en l'envoyant par dessus les cordes par un clotheslines.
- A Monday Night Raw du 9/12/96, L'Undertaker a gagné Mankind, dans un match No Holds Barred. Après le match, l'Executioner est venu porter l'Aseatic Spike au Reaper.
- Le 12/15/96, à In Your House, selon les régles d'Armagédon, le Maître des Ténébres a battu l'Exocutioner, malgré l'intervention de Mankind. Comme il ne pouvait pas y avoir de disqualification, le personnel de la sécurité est venu pour empecher Mankind de continuer ... Le match se passa hors de l'aréne et même dans l'eau.
- A Monday Night lors d'un interview entre Bret Hart et Shawn, on entendît la musique du Reaper ... Alors qu'il marchait sur le bas-côte, il fût attaqué par Vader.
- Au Superstars, le Fossoyeur a battu Goon. Après le match, Jim Cornette promet que Vader vas mettre le Maître dans un sac qu'il montre. Les lumières se sont sont alors éteintes et quand elles sont revenues, le Taker était devant Cornette. Il fut mené au centre du ring et après un Tombstone, le Taker le mis dans le fameux sac.
- A Monday Night Raw du 13/01/97, Le Taker a battu Crush par disqualification suite à une intervention de Vader. NOD/Vader ont frappé le Maître, mais Ahmed Johnson est venu le sauver.
- Le 19/1/97, en plus d'avoir perdu le Royal Rumble 1997 (bien qu'il soit rentré en dernier), le Taker a perdu face à Vader grâce à Bearer qui a frappé le Maître avec l'Urne.
- Lors de l'annonce de In Your House de février, il y a eu des explications à Monday Night Raw du 20/1/97, entre les 4 particpants. Il y eu car même un match entre Austin et le Taker: le match c'est finis par une disqualification.
- Aux Supertstars, le Taker a battu Marc Mero par double decompte exterieur. Mais il y eu pas mal de problème....
- A Monday Night Raw du 3/2/97, avec Ahmed Johnson, le Taker a battu Faarooq/Mankind dans un match No Holds Barred ! ... malgré diverses interventions.
- Aux Superstars, après un combat Austin/Vader, le Maître a attaqué Bret Hart.
- A Thursday Raw Thursday, l'Undertaker a battu Savio Vega. Après le match NOD attaqua le Reaper qui fût sauvé par Ahmed.
- A In Your House du 16 février 1997, il y a eu un match avec 4 participants sans Disqualification ni Décompte extérieur .... Les participants sont: 1 - Undertaker , 2 - Vader, 3 - Steve Austin et 4 - Bret Hart. Le Maître fût le 3eme éliminé par Bret Hart après avoir éliminé Vader.
- L'Undertaker a battu Faarooq à Monday Night Raw par disqualification quand NOD a attaqué. Les Légions of Doom ont sauvé le Taker !
- A Monday Night Raw du 10/3/97, suite à interview houleux, le Taker, suite à une mesentente avec Sid, a perdu son match par équipe contre Vader/Mankind.
- Au Madison Square Garden, le Reaper a perdu le match du cerceuil contre Vader grâce à une intervention de Mankind.
- A Wrestlemania 13, l'Undertaker a battu Sid grâce Bret Hart dans un match No Holds Barred.Il devenu Champion. La WWF est maintenant dans une période sombre.
- A In Your House du 20/04/97 (la revenge de l'Undertaker), le Maître a battu Mankind et garder son Titre (match assez houleux). Apres le match, le Fossoyeur a blessé Bearer avec un objet porté par Mankind.
- A Raw is War, l'Undertaker a rencontré Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Pendant le match, il y a eu Mankind qui a voulu bruler le Maître, mais aussi intervention de Goldust....
- A Raw is War, quelqu'un a volé la ceinture du maître .... S'en suit alors un combat entre Owen, Austin, Shawn et l'Undertaker.
- A in Your House du 11/5/97 le Reaper a conservé son titre face à Steve Cold Austin.
- A Raw is War, le Fossoyeur a battu Savio Vega par disqualification suite à l'attaque de NOD .... Plusieurs interview aussi ...
- Dans un combat par équipe (avec Vader) contre D-Lo Brown/Farooq, malgré l'attaque de Vader sur le Maître, celui-ci gagne sur Farooq ... S'en suit des bagarres et Bearer promet de réveler un secret la semaine prochaine !
- Le secret est que le Taker aurait mis le feu à la maison des parents dans lequel ces derniers seraient mort. Commence les histoires avec Kane, le frère du Maître.
- A in Your House du 6/7/97 (Canadian Stampede), le Reaper a garder son titre face à Vader (match subbing for Ahmed Johnson). Pas de Kane !
- A Summerslam (3/8/97), le Taker a perdu son titre face à Bret Hart (match arbitré par Shawn Micheals) par intervention d'une chaise !!!!
- A Raw is War dans un match par équipe (avec Ahmed Johnson) contre les New NOD, le Maître a perdu par intervention exterieure et trahison de Johnson.
- A In Your House du 7/9/97 (Ground Zero), l'Undertaker et Shawn Micheal sont disqualifiés tous les deux, à cause de nombreuses interventions exterieures (Slaughter, HHH ...).
- A Friday Night's Main Event, le Reaper a battu Hunter Hearst Helmsley (HHH) par disqualification lors d'intervention de Michaels. Ensuite les deux plus Rick Rude ataquent le Maître.
- A Raw is War, le combat du Taker contre HHH n'a pu avoir lieu parce qu'il fut attaqué par Bret, Bulldog,Shawn, HHH, Rick Rude ..... Mais le Maître résista.
- A in Your House du 5/10/98 (Badd Blood), dans un match Hell in a Cell (une cage jusqu'à la toiture ... pas d'évasion possible) (malgré cela, la cage sera ouverte), le Maître perdra son match contre Shawn Michael par intervention de Bearer et de Kane !
- Bien plus tard, à Raw is War le Taker a combattu Kama.
- A in Your House du 7/12/97 (Degeneration X), le Reaper a rencontré Jeff Jarrett. Il y eu la aussi intervention de Kane.
- A Raw is War, le Fossoyeur tomstone Rocky Mavia, puis il y a intervention de Kane.
- Le Maître est arrivé à éloigner Kane de Bearer.
- A WWF arena results from New York, NY du 10/1/98, The Undertaker et Legion of Doom ont battu Michaels et New Age Outlaws.
- A Dark matches from Monday night's RAW, Steve Austin, Undertaker, Cactus Jack et Chainsaw Charlie battent Nation of Domination. Shotgun taping results from Monday night:
- Au Royal Rumble du 18/1/98, dans un Match du Cerceuil contre Shawn Micheal, le Maître a perdu attaqué par plein et trahi par Kane, qui mettra le feu sur le cerceuil contenant l'UT.
- A Raw is War, des tas de choses bizarres autour du cerceuil (Kane dedans, etc...).
- A Wrestlemania XIV, le Maître a battu Kane !!!!
- Le 18/4/98, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Faarooq, Terry Funk et The Undertaker ont battu HHH, Kane, The Rock et Billy Gunn
- A in Your House du 26/4/98 (Unforgiven), le Taker a jetté (et battu) Kane dans le feu ..... malgrédiverses interventions.
- A Raw is War, le Maître a attaqué Kane dans son match contre Goldust.
- A Raw is War, La Mort a attaqué Jerry Lawler.
- A Raw is War du 18/5/98, il devait y avoir un match Taker/Austin avec Vince comme arbitre. Mais il y eu des attaques exterieures qui ont empeche le match.
- A Raw is War du 1/6/98, Le Fossoyeur a perdu son match contre Kane par intervention de Mankind.
- A Raw is War du 8/6/98, La Mort a attaqué pas mal de lutteur.
- A Raw is War du 15/6/98, l'Undertaker et Austin ont rencontré (et battu) Kane et Mankind dans un match Hell in a Cell.
- Au Tournois King of the Ring, dans un match Hell in a Cell, l'Undertaker a battu Mankind.
- A Raw is war, dans un combat à trois entre Mankin, Kane et la Mort, pour determiner qui sera le prochain à rencontrer Austin pour le titre, le Taker ne se presenta pas. Kane remporta le match contre Mankind, mais quand Kane enleva son masque c'était le Fossoyeur.
- A In Your House du 26/7/98 (Fully Loaded), le Taker et Austin ont battu Mankind et Kane devenant les nouveaux champion par equipe.
- A Raw is War du 3/8/98, La Mort et Austin ont battu the Rock et Owen Hart ... Après il y a eu attaque de Kane et Mankind.
- A Raw is War du 10/8/98, dans un Match à coins, Le Maître et Austin ont perdu leur titre au profit de Kane et Mankind (il y avait aussi Owen Hart et the Rock, New Age Outlaws).
- Autre a Sunday Night Heat (2/8/98): Mankind, accompanied by Paul Bearer and Kane, was all set to "destroy" the Undertaker, but Kane suddenly attacked his partner as
well as his father and as the show ended he removed his mask and revealed that he was the Undertaker!
Raw is War du 10/8/98: The night opened with cameras following the deranged
Mankind throughout the Boiler Room of the arena, claiming he
"wanted the truth" surrounding Kane and the Undertaker. The
superstar quickly made his way to the ring, where he called out
World Wrestling Federation owner Mr. McMahon--the only
man whom he claimed ever gave him the truth! The chairman
obliged, and stated Kane and the Undertaker were against
Mankind. With that, Paul Bearer and his son entered the ring
and scorned the owner for "poisoning" everyone's mind. In a
shocking statement, Mr. McMahon accused Kane of actually
being the Undertaker and challenged him to reveal himself. Just
as Vince tried to rip off the mask, the lights went out--only to
come back on moments later with the Phenom standing in the
ring! With Kane gone, the Undertaker chased the owner from
the arena and battered Mankind!
- The Undertaker comes to the ring, wearing his large cape so we can't see his face. Austin comes out and the Taker chokeslams him. He takes off his cape and he's wearing Kane's mask. Huh? They fight, and Austin throws Kane into the hearse. Austin tries to get into the driver's seat, but the Undertaker is in there! He drives off with Kane.
- Des choses bizares a RAW is WAR du 24/8/98 ... Kane et le Taker contre semble-t-il Austin et Mankind.
- A Summerslam 98 (30/8/98), Not that great of a match. Kane comes out during the match, but the Taker tells him to leave. Highlight of the match was when the Taker sets Austin on the Spanish announcers table. Taker goes to the top rope and delivers a nasty legdrop on Austin, knocking them both off the table. At the end, the Taker tried one of his "rope walk" moves, but Austin countered with a low blow. After that, the Stunner was applied and Austin won the match. After the match, the Taker handed the belt over to Austin..
- Des tas d'interventions de Kane et le Taker au cours de Raw is war du 5/9/98.
- Sunday Night Heat: Hawk called right before the match and said he is going to a rehab center. Kane and the UT dominate the match.Draz gets beaten on for awhile and eventually is thrown from the ring.Animal is no better and submits to the UT while in a UFC type of leg submission move.Animal supposedly injured his knee. After : Kane and UT drag Brisco and Patterson to the ring.They say unless Vince comes out they will destroy both of the guyz.Vince doesn't come out.UT and Kane dismatle Brisco and Patterson.
- A Raw is War 14/9/98, Kane w/Undertaker vs. The Rock : Excellent match. Good moves from both men. The Rock even did his spin-around-his-opponent-into-a-DDT move on Kane. The crowd really wanted the Rock to win it. During the
match, the ref is accidentally knocked out. UT pulls the Rock out of the ring and attacks him. Meanwhile, Mankind, wearing his white button down shirt and a Dude Love t-shirt underneath, runs in and hits Kane with a sledgehammer to his back. Rock back in the ring, he covers him....1......2.........3!! The Rock beats Kane! Undertaker then chalenges Mankind to a match later on.
Mankind vs. Undertaker w/Kane : Mankind through a table. Mankind face first into a garbage dumpster. Mankind Tombstoned on a chair. Oh, hum. : ) After the Tombstone, UT grabs a sledgehammer, but the Rock runs in and saves Mankind. The Rock saves Mankind???
- A SUNDAY NIGHT HEAT 9/20, DOA vs. UT VS Kane : DOA starts out quick but UT and Kane fight back. Kane beats down 8-Ball.8-Ball gets tombstoned and Kane pins him.
- A Raw is War du 21/9/98, Undertaker/Kane vs. Steve Austin/Billy Gunn : Billy Gunn? Again? Undertaker pins Gunn with a chokeslam. Austin then grabs a chair and attacks Kane and the Taker.
- A In Your House du 27-9-98 (Break Down), Undertaker making his entrance, and Steve Austin runs behind him and hits him with a chair. No theme music for Austin today! During the match, first the Undertaker tries to pin Austin, but
Kane breaks the pin. Then, the Undertaker breaks a pin for Kane. Then they fight! It turns into a real triple threat match! The match ends when Kane/UT perform a dobule chokeslam on Austin. They both pin him at the same time....1......2........3! Austin loses, but who wins? Gerald Brisco grabs the Championship belt and gives it to McMahon. He goes to his limo, with
Austin following him. He gives Austin the finger and says it's mine, and then leaves the arena. What??
- The Rock vs. The Undertaker the 5/10/98
D'Lo/Henry show up during the match. Then comes Kane. After a few minutes of the Rock getting his butt kicked, they get fed up and leave. During the match, the ref gets knocked out. Kane grabs a chair. The Taker is thrown into the ropes, and Kane hits him with a chair. Rock follows it up with the Rockbottom and pins him, but the ref is still out. The Rock tries to revive the ref. The Taker surprises the Rock with a Tombstone piledriver on a chair and pins him for the victory.
- RAW IS WAR 12/10/98: Undertaker/Kane vs. Rock/Steve Austin : During the match, Paul Bearer shows up. Huh? D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry come out later. They attack Rock on the outside! Kane/UT are destroyin Austin. The masked bodyguard runs in and attacks Austin from behind with his nightstick. He takes off his mask. It's the Big Boss Man! The 3 end up destroying Austin.
- A in your house du 18/10/98 (Judgement Day) WWF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH:
Undertaker vs. Kane
Special Guest Referee - Steve Austin :Very slow match. Austin gives a slow count for the Undertaker, but a super-fast count for Kane! He even gave them suggestions on how to use weapons during the match. They go crazy during the match and attack Austin. Kane then chokeslams the Taker. Paul Bearer comes out and hits Kane with a chair! The Undertaker grabs the chair and hits Kane with it, knocking him out. Austin then hits the Stunner on the Taker and hits him with a chair. He then counts them both out and declars himself the Champion! He then goes looking for Vince McMahon in the backstage area, and comes back out. Vince shows up and tells Austin he's fired. Austin says that Vince hasn't seen the last of Stone Cold Steve Austin and has his music played one last time.
- At Raw is war du 19/10/98: Undertaker/Paul Bearer interview The Taker says that they've reconciled, and that Paul has come home to lead the Ministry of Darkness. Paul says that he's always used Kane, and that he never understood the darkness. Taker admits that he set the fire that killed his parents and burned Kane. Kane now shows up with a casket and challenges the Taker to a cakset match later tonight.
Casket Match: Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs. Kane Btoh wind up in the casket, and still fighting, destroy it from the inside! Outside, they still fight. Kane goes after Paul on the ramp area. The Taker hits Kane with a chair and the Taker and Paul leave. Kane follows.
- At Raw is war du 1/11/98 , Goddfather vs. The UT w/ Paul Bearer : The Goddfather offers his usual business proposition.The UT in response starts punching the Goddfather and the refs.I think Kane appears then.After that the show ends.
- RAW IS WAR 9/11/98: X-Pac vs. Undertaker w/Paul Bearer : Within the first minute of the match, Kane comes out. The Taker uses X-Pac for a shield as Kane throws a fireball into X-Pac's eyes! Taker leaves. Outlaws run in to help out X-Pac. EMS is also needed to help him.
- At Survivir Serie du 11/15/98 : WWF CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT
- Quarterfinal Matches:
- Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs. Kane : Not much going on here. Bearer distracts Kane, and as he turns around to face his opponent, the Undertaker scoops him up and Tombstones him for the victory.
- Semifinal Matches:
- Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs. the Rock : Not much going on here. Kane enters the ring and chokeslams the Rock. The Rock wins and goes on to the finals. The Undertaker is mad at this point.
- Depuis at RAW is WAR, le maître attaque Austin .... Paul Bearer envoie donc le fossoyeur dans un asile psychiatrique ?????
- At Raw is War (06/12/98), In an unusual tag team match, The Rock teamed up with the Undertaker to face Mankind and Stone Cold Steve Austin. The four superstars brawled outside the ring for several minutes before actually making their way into it. When the Undertaker and Austin's battle spilled outside the ring again, Ken Shamrock and the Boss Man came in and joined The Rock to triple team Mankind. They handcuffed him to the top rope. Meanwhile, the Undertaker used the ring bell and a steel chair to knock out Austin. He carried him up to the entranceway, and three druids helped him tie Austin to the steel Undertaker symbol. Then the symbol, with Austin tied to it, was raised up-perhaps a symbol of what the Undertaker has planned for Austin this Sunday at Rock Bottom!
- A In Your House du 13/12/98 ("Rock Bottom"), BURIED ALIVE MATCH: Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker - Strange ending. After Austin "Stuns" the Undertaker into the grave, he chases Paul Bearer out of the arena. Taker climbs out of the grave and awaits the return of Austin. Meanwhile, an explosion takes place in the grave, and Kane comes out and fights with the Taker! Taker is now distracted by Austin riding into the arena with a steam shovel! Kane Tombstones the Taker into the grave, and Austin has the steam shovel driver dump the dirt on the Taker, winning the match.
- Depuis quelque temps le Fossoyeur est le 'chef' de Ministry of Darkness qui regroupe plusieus catcher .......
- At Raw is War of the 1/3/99, Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs. Mankind : Mankind wins by Countout. Undertaker tries to chokeslam Vince through a table, but the Big Bossman stops him. The Ministry then chases Bossman out of the arena. The Taker then chokeslams Mankind in the ring.
- At RAW IS WAR (15/3/99), Test/Big Bossman/Ken Shamrock vs. Undertaker/Acolytes : Match ends in a no contest when everyone gets involved in a wild brawl all over the arena.
- At WrestleMania XV (28/3/99), in a Hell in a Cell : Undertaker vs. Big Bossman. Worst HiaC in the history of the WWF. After they're both bloody, UT wins it with a Tombstone. After the match, the Brood repels from the celing of the arena, breaks open the ceiling of the cage, and throws in a noose. UT wraps it around the Bossman's neck, and the cage is raised! Bossman is hung!
- At in Your House (Backlash) of the 25/4/99 : Undertaker vs. Ken Shamrock : Oh My God, was this match boring as hell! Bottom line, Undertaker wins with the Tombstone. Afterwards, Bradshaw attacks Shamrock with a baseball bat.
- At SMACKDOWN (29/4/99), Triple H/Undertaker vs. The Rock/Steve Austin : Chyna, Mean Street Posse, Paul Bearer and Shane McMahon are all in Triple H/UT's corner. Interesting. Fast paced match. Rock/Austin win by DQ when the Corp. Ministry attack. They're saved by Test, Ken Shamrock, and the Big Show. A huge brawl! UT chokeslams Austin in the ring, and Shane throws the UT a chair. Vince runs out and knocks out Shane. He then saves Austin from a chair shot by UT and takes the blow himself! Austin then gives UT a stunner! Shane enters the ring and starts yelling at an unconscious Vince. Austin then gives Shane a stunner for his troubles. The show ends with Austin drinking a few beers, and reviving Vince by pouring some beer on his face.
- RAW IS WAR 3/5/99, Big Show vs. Undertaker w/Paul Bearer : Undertaker tries to put Big Show out with some ether, but it didn't work. So he uses the next best thing: a baseball to the Big Show's head (breaking the bat), busting him open. Big Show wins by DQ.
- RAW IS WAR 10/5/99 : Undertaker/Triple H/Shane vs. Rock/Steve Austin/Vince : Great match. Vince receives a chokeslam and a Tombstone right at the start, but he doesn't get pinned. After some fighting, Austin gives Shane a Stunner and Vince tries to pin him, but Austin breaks up the pin. He then Stuns Shane again and pins him for the victory.
- RAW IS WAR 17/5/99 : Casket Match : Undertaker vs. The Rock : Triple H comes out during the match and smashes the Rock's arm cast with a sledgehammer! Triple H then helps the Taker put the Rock in the casket. Taker wins this one. Afterwards, Triple H locks the casket and smashes it with a sledgehammer!
- Over the Edge (In Your House 23/5/99), Shane McMahon came out in his referee garb for the night's main event: Stone Cold Steve Austin against the Undertaker. Shane assumed that he would be the only special official for the match, as Vince McMahon had been carted off to the hospital after sustaining an ankle injury earlier on HEAT. However, one of Vince's associates, Pat Patterson, arrived in a referee shirt of his own, and insisted to Shane that he would be taking Vince's place as the second guest referee. But when Undertaker came out, he "vetoed" that idea by chokeslamming Patterson and literally kicking him out of the ring. Patterson had to be helped back to the locker room by Federation officials. Shane's assumption turned out to be correct: he was the only official as the Federation Championship Match got underway. But Shane was knocked out when Undertaker inadvertently went flying into him. Mr. McMahon suddenly appeared, although he was limping badly. As Shane lay unconscious, Vince took over officiating duties. Austin made the cover after a stunner, but Shane woke up in time to pull his father away as Vince registered the three count. Vince and Shane scuffled, and Vince accidentally pushed Shane into Austin and the Undertaker. The Lord of Darkness fell on top of Austin, and Shane made a fast three count. The Undertaker became the new World Wrestling Federation Champion. The Corporate Ministry ran out from the back, perhaps in an attempt to abduct the Rattlesnake, but Austin was able to fight them off with stunners and a steel chair!
- RAW IS WAR 31/5/99 :
Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs. Vince McMahon : Undertaker shoves the ref. Vince wins by DQ. Wait a minute. Vince McMahon has beaten the Undertaker!!!! After the match, the Undertaker attacks Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, and chases the ref out of the building.
Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs. Steve Austin : Austin wins by DQ when Bearer pulls the ref out of the ring. The Ministry then comes out and attacks Austin. The "Greater Power" comes out. He looks a lot like one of the Druids (hood and cloak). JR believes that he's Shane. He looks into Austin's face, and Austin gets irate! End of show.
- RAW IS WAR 7/6/99 : Big Show vs. Undertaker w/Paul Bearer : Strange ending. Big Show chokeslams the Undertaker right through the ring!!!!! Match is stopped, but no title for the Big Show. Afterwards, he chokeslams the Acolytes/Midian.
- Raw is war 14/6/99 : If The Rock wanted a title shot at King of the Ring, he would have to defeat
the Undertaker on RAW first. However, Triple H came out and announced that Shane's special stipulation was that The Rock would have to take on both he and the Undertaker! With Paul Bearer and Chyna at ringside, the odds were really stacked against The Rock. Undertaker threw The Rock toward the ropes, but The Rock reversed, and Chyna inadvertently tripped Undertaker! The champion went right after Chyna, grabbing her around the throat as if he were going to chokeslam her. Triple H came to Chyna's aid and the Undertaker ended up dropping his tag team partner's neck across the top rope. A dazed Triple H walked right into The Rock, who delivered the Rock Bottom and won the match to earn himself a title shot at King of the Ring! After the match, Triple H and Undertaker got into a slugfest and had to be separated by the other members of the Corporate Ministry!
- RAW IS WAR 21/6/99 : Triple H w/Chyna vs. Undertaker w/Paul Bearer :Triple H is DQed when the Rock attacks the Undertaker. A large "bramah bull" symbol is lowered from the ceiling of the arena. The Ministry attacks the Rock, and the Bossman attacks the Minsitry! The Rock then handcuffs Paul Bearer to the giant bull. He's been sacrificed to the Rock!
Mefie-toi voyageur de ces eaux qui semblent tranquilles car en leurs seins pourrissent ceux qui ont peris.
Edouard Clair
Ode aux morts des eaux calmes.
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