church graphic Reader Submissions Son of Tank Battle

Submitted by: Bishop Douglas Harrison (a real bishop!)

Materials needed: Pencil, paper

Object: Kill the other tank.

Game play: "You have an unlined piece of paper, and you fold it in half. Then when you unfold it, you each draw a tank somewhere on your side (once again, use your imagination with a square). then you take turns shooting. To shoot, you draw a circle on your own side of the paper filled in heavily with lead (graphite and clay). You try to position it so that when the paper is folded over, it will lie on top of your opponent's tank. You verify this by drawing over the circle again when it is folded over. The excess lead from your original circle will then be transferred to the other side of the field, hopefully over the other tank. If the circle touches the other tank, it is a hit, else, a miss. (programmer's syntax)"

There you have it. He submitted this just yesterday (1-13), so it's hot off the presses. C00L!

Thanks, bishop!

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