I'm in the United Staes Navy(you should try it)currently stationed at Naval Air Station North Island, California. I'm married with three children (that's enough). I've been studying Judo since 1994. I still have a lot to learn, actually you never stop. I practice with the NAS North Island Judo club at NAS North Island, CA.


Judo was founded by Dr. Jigro Kano in 1882. He developed Judo from Jujitsu.

visit 'The Root Arts of Judo' for more information

Why did Dr. Jigro Kano develop this new Martial Art? Students were often getting injured while practicing many of the techniques used in Jujitsu. He wanted to form a martial art that was a little more gentle (Ju). He took out all the Jujitsu techniques that were dangerous when practiced and kept all of the techniques that were less harmful when attempted. The techniques (Waza) Dr. Kano kept for his new form were throwing(Nage), grappling (Katame) and Atemi(Striking). This new form of martial arts he called Judo. Ju meaning gentleness or giving way, and Do meaning way of life.

Dr. Kano also developed Judo as a way to teach and develop physical education. From my limited study of Judo I believe Dr. Kano regarded physical education not only as means to develop the body but the mind also. In Judo he sought to create something to stimulate the mind and the body to work together or in harmony with one another. To accomplish this he used Randori(free practice) and Kata(form practice) as primary teaching methods. Later Shiai(tournament or contest judo) was used as a another learning and/or teaching tool.

My book list

My book list. Information covering books that I've read and heard about. The subjects cover Judo and Martial Arts in general. I've also listed some novels that I've read. Included for each book listed is a link to Books! The World's Largest Bookstore. I've included this link so that if you are interested in obtaining more information on any of these books you have the oppurtunity to do so.


MUTUAL BENEFIT AND WELFARE | MAXIMUM EFFICIENCYHarmonious Development and Eventual Perfection of Human Character

Send Comments to Perry James Cannon

This Home Page was created June 18, 1996
Most recent revision July 31, 2001

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