September, 2002         Mac Newbies & Mac Secrets
 Foreword from the webmaster (SG) Home | Mac Secrets

All of us must at one time or another, heard or read about the news of Mac computers or anything related to Mac stuffs throughout the world. These include Mac events such as Apple Roadshows and Mac Expo, to name a few.

The people at Apple didn't rest on their laurels, and in December 1998 unveiled the iMac, the world's first computer designed specifically for intensive Internet use, as well as being the first to jettison the usual dull grey computer casing in favour of snazzy, bright colours. This was a brilliant and successful marketing ploy. Apple is known for its innovation. Do you know Apple was nearly on the verge of death in 1997? Fortunately, Steve Jobs managed to revive all this in nick of time.

Now coming your way is MacOSX - the stability of UNIX. The OS itself is virtually crashproof.

Another thing is, most people are not too familiar with technical terms such as Stuffit Expander as someone complained. That's why I decide to put up this site for people to be exposed to Mac background. Lastly, I sincerely hope you might find this site helpful.

***Important Note: Mac computers only accept these compressed files with suffixes .hqx, .sit, .cpt which are tailored for Mac. While these files with suffixes, .exe, .zip are tailored for PC.

So use StuffIT Expander to compress these large files. Go to StuffIT Expander to download.

Strongly recommended Mac books for Mac newbies such as Mac for Dummies!

Lastly but not at least, I hope you will benefit richly from this site or Mac Links which I mentioned in this site. Here you go to discover more of Mac Secrets!

Any queries concerning Mac problems or anything related to Mac, just go to either Mac Clinic or MacRebels.

Anyone willing to contribute Mac Secrets/Tips for this site. Just email the webmaster.

Other Mac Links

Downloads at Aladdin


Oevyind's Mac Tips

Troubleshooting Resources




Enjoy staying here around with a cup of tea or coffee. I really hope you benefit a lot from here.

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