JapanRandom: Chiang Mai Child Prostitution

I've seen this article reprinted in several places on the i.net
in the last few months. Interestingly enough, the posting I've
reproduced here, the one I found most complete, and
presented in the most readable and well-formatted hypertext,
was taken from a site that facilitates sex tours for Westerners.

Another interesting thing about this article is the interforce conflict between the Chiang Mai and Bangkok police contingents. Sounds like something from William S. Burroughs.

The child sex business, disturbingly enough, can be dismissed as fairly pestedrian stuff these days, and certainly not limited to Asia. Although Thailand may stand out for the sheer volumn of child sex 'captures' going on these days, the Belgium guys and gals who were recently discovered to be kidnapping cute kids for snuff movies are, by anybody's yardstick, much lower forms of life than your average Asian white-slaver (although he still must be considered, if the documentation is anywhere near accurate, a shockingly ignorant, evil, piece of dirt).

So, please don't get culture jones finding out AIDS is accelerating a child sex thing in Asia. Europe and America still seem to be retaining cutting edges in the promotion and dissemination of degradation.

In any case, this article rather well maps out the general frenzy in Asia for younger girls. The only other thing I can think of that represents such a sea change in social conduct worldwide is the diminishing average age of soldiers in the earth's many armies. Pretty soon the planet is going to be populated exclusively with killers and whores. (Don't you feel sometimes like it already is?)

The Committee for a Safe Society (CSS) http://www.alternatives.com/crime/ has several informative articles on the recent increases in child prostitution in Asia and elsewhere. This site has all kinds of fascinating information on world crime gangs and related activities. They're temporarily (whatever that means on the i.net) down -- which you can easily verify by trying to go to their url listed above -- but I happened to copy a few of their pages last year, those of which relate to the kid whore biz I've included below. Also, please check out the story of the Japanese Yakuza posted on JapanRandom -- they've got both feet up to the hips in this entreprise. I got a lot of the material for that page from The Committee for a Safe Society's site. I hope this great U.K. BBS hasn't taken a permanent powder from the web.

  1. JapanRandom's reprint of the Chiang Mai brothels' raid story in the Bangkok Post
  2. Committee for a Safe Society's FAQ on Child Prostutution
  3. Child Prostitution In India Reference Sheet
  4. Yakuza!