Nik would like to say a very BIG Thank You to the following people:
Adrin Harris, for her support and for those refrence books she gave me *grin*
Damien Cooley, for giving me extra web space, helping me reg. a site, and for dealing with me on IRC and also for being spoofy *guffaw*
Gentry, for making me those wicked kewl banners *hugs*
Scott, for helping me make that cute banner *huggles*
Ruk, for helping me relocate my page, albeit it dinna work *chuckles*
#Nessa, my "home" on DalNet, my "family" on the net *smile*
#TeenSingles, #SailorStars, #Malaysia , for all da great friends I've made in those channels.
For the constant support, the strange, sick, odd, funny moments and all that other good stuff *smile*
SPIN, for correcting da mistakes i made *slips her a 5 dollar note then whispers "I'll pay the rest later"* *sweatdrops*
Iron-Lady, for giving me the great pictures.
YOU, for visiting my page and giving me feedbacks and comments, Thank You