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A Weekly Service To The Business Community From SVCC

By Rick Warren

Failure is no big deal. Really. It's one way you learn. You learn what doesn't work by trying and failing. If you want to succeed in life, you've got to let go of the fear of failure.

The reason kids learn so fast is because they aren't afraid to fail. You learned to walk by taking a few steps, falling down, getting back up and trying again. Imagine the absurdity of a child who falls after a feeble first step and says, "I give up! I'm a failure at walking!" Unfortunately, as adults we often hold that attitude.

The FEAR of failure is far more detrimental to you and your career than failure will ever be. It keeps you from trying again. The Bible says this:

"Fear of man is a dangerous trap...." Pr. 29:25 Anytime you're more worried about what others think than doing what's right, you're headed for a trap. True winners are more concerned about achievement than image.

We all stumble and fail from time to time, but winners pick themselves up and start again. "For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again" Pr.24:16

Don't be afraid of failing. Instead, keep your eyes on the opportunities before you and ask God to give you the courage to keep trying! "God does not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control." 2 Tim 1:7

Until next week...

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