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A Weekly Service To The Business Community From SVCC

By Rick Warren

American society always been in a state of change. But what makes "change" in the 1990s different from, for example, change 50 years ago, is its speed, intensity, and unpredictability:

In this "Age of Unreason", to use Charles Handy's term, CEOs, managers, salesmen, and leaders must learn to think upside-down, inside-out, and backwards in order to cope with this unpredictable environment. Tom Peters calls this ability "Thriving on Chaos." To succeed, you must do more than cope with change... you must capitalize on it! Every change is an opportunity in disguise. Since you can't stop change, you must learn to take advantage of it. Here are three suggestions from the Bible:

  1. Keep a positive attitude toward change. Although, not all changes are good we do have the freedom to choose our attitude. Change, even when it's negative, can be an ally - if you take advantage of it and use it for good. "Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be constantly changing for the better." Eph 4:23 (LB)

  2. Never stop learning. Never think you know it all. Stay humble and you'll be surprised who you can learn from - clients, enemies, employees, competitors, kids, etc. "The intelligent man is always open to new ideas. In fact, he looks for them." Pr.18:15 (LB)

  3. Stay flexible! Before glass bottles were invented, wine was kept in canteens made of animal skins. As they aged they'd become brittle and crack from new wine that was still fermenting. Jesus once said, "You can't put new wine in old wineskins." Here was his point: When faced with change, we must adjust or we'll explode! Pray this: "Dear God, help me be more flexible this week... with my co-workers...clients...customers...and family."

Until next week...


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