Fax of LifeThe Fax of Life is presented each week by the Encouraging Word. You can purchase a complete volume of the Fax of Life by calling (714) 587-9534 or subscribe to the Fax of Life e-mail version. THE FAX OF LIFE A Weekly Service To The Business Community From Saddleback Church
A recent study revealed that the typical American buys $1,300 on credit for every $1,000 he or she earns. Obviously, this causes enormous stress. When your output exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall!
The Bible says, "Stupid people spend their money as fast as they get it." Proverbs 27:20 (GN) What motivates us to live beyond our means? Why do we spend ourselves into debt? Why are we rarely satisfied with what we have? Three Myths That Drive Us Into Debt:
MYTH #1: Having more things will make me more happy. FACT: "He who loves money will never have enough. The foolishness of thinking that wealth brings happiness. The more you have, the more you spend..." Eccl. 5:10-11 (LB)
MYTH #2: Having more things will make me more important. FACT: "Be on your guard against greed in any shape or form. For a man's REAL life in no way depends on the number of his possessions." Luke 12:15 (Ph)
MYTH #3: Having more things will make me more secure. FACT: "The rich man thinks of his wealth as an impregnable defense, a high wall of safety. What a dreamer!" Prov. 18:11 (LB) <