Neo-Queen Serenity smiled kindly as it seemed her words had reached the Black Lady.

Suddenly, the voice of Death Phantom was heard. "Loved-starved child, do not be deceived by illusions!" The beam of Dark Energy travelling through the gate suddenly increased in size to envelop Dark Lady. It swept across the ground and swallowed Neo-Queen Serenity and Tuxedo Mask!

They found themselves floating in a gloomy, dark void.

Death Phantom spoke hypnotically. "Do not trust anyone. One is born alone and will eventually die alone. The universe is nothing but loneliness and darkness." Black Lady repeated his words hopelessly.

"You were always alone." Death Phantom changed the memory in Black Lady's mind to show her parents abandoning her. "Yes, I was always alone."

"That is an illusion!" Neo-Queen Serenity looked determined but concerned. Tuxedo Mask was furious. "Don't be deceived!" "I was always alone!", Black Lady repeated. The influence of the dark energy turned her fear into hatred. Black Lady channeled the energy of the Dark Crystal into a direct blast.