^^ Wee.. I finally opened this part of my webpage up.. I just love getting pictures from my friends... Not much yet, but hey, It'll get bigger over time. ^_^ But at any rate, without further ado, on to the pictures! ^^
Jenny Iceblade By Hikaru-cha'. ^^ Wee... She was the first to actually send me art that I could put up on my webbiepage (with permission, of course), and I'm really happy that she did.. ^_^ Jenny looks so spiff in this picture.. The idea behind this picture was that my character, Jenny Iceblade, was one of the Camp Counsellors in my alternate-reality Digimon RPG... Wai! *.* I just love her eyes and everything. ^_^
Date Seiji (Seiji Date/ Sage Date) By Jaya-cha'. ^_^ Wee.. This was actually a part in a picture exchange, but oh well... ^^ Isn't Seiji so hot..? ::Swoons and drools.::
Girl By Jin Young Kim (Jin-cha'). This one was done by an old friend a while back before she moved away, and hopefully you can ignore the crease mark in it.. ^^;; But at any rate, she was a good, IRL friend from Korea, and I helped her out a bit with her written english by having a little notebook we wrote back and forth in.. She even let me pick out a Korean name, which I can't find to save the life of me (the pronouncation is Ke Uen, but I can't find the spelling). Oh do I miss her.. ;.; (Oh, and also ignore the little dash on the bottom left, that was part of a message from her to me ^^; )
Nimiji and Mio By Dana-cha'. *Squeek!* ^^ Wai.. I love Mio's dress in this one... I have to draw that.. ^^;; Seriously, I have to draw that dress, and I will! ^^ I will, I will, I will! ^^;;;; But at any rate, I'm just glad to have this picture up on my site.... Wee.... ^^ ::Is hyperish.:: ^^;; I shall rant all I want! MWHAHAHA~!
An'Desha Danin-Corintalis By Himself. ^^ Wai.. Isn't he a hunk..? Oh wait.. I'm suppose to be drooling over Seiji, not An'Desha. ^^;;; Poor guy, Jen always overpowers him.. ::Giggles.:: He's always trying to beat her.. ^_^ But they're good friends.. *Squeek* ::Is still all happy, even though it's past 12 in the morning and she's about ready to crash.:: XX At any rate, it's an older picture, and his hair isn't brown anymore, but still...
An'Desha Saria By An'Desha. ^_^ An'Desha's cute little sister.. ^^;; Who gets along with Jenny perhaps a little too well.. But ah well. ^_^ Nimiji's rather clingy to her in an RPG I'm on.. ^^;;;;
An'Desha Danin-Corintalis By Himself. Here's the newer version of Danin.. ^^; Blonde.. This one was done for RPG-FantasyTokyo, and I think he looks good either way.. ^_^ Heh.. I could rant on about how cute this character is, but then I'd waste up all my freespace with text. X.x;
Hopefully I'll have more soon, as friends send them to me.. My birthday's coming up, so I should get some then. ^_^ Oi, but at any rate, here's a small statement: ^^; You gotta know me first before sending in guest art... I don't have a lot of space. ^^; But if I already host your fanfic, I'll take guest art too. ^_^
Any questions, comments,