
I met Indira in 1971 while
in the second grade in Negova. We stayed together until the end of the school. And then we went our separate ways.But four years ago when I came home after almost ten years of travelling around the world I wished to see  my old school friends once again and so I organized a school reunion. And there, after 15 years, I met Indira again. And then everything went very quickly. We left the very next day for Germany, followed by a trip to England, then to India and so on. Two years later we married. And here we are now, living together, celebrating life together in all its dimensions. Many times we ask ourselves, what if we had reunited earlier,but then life would be different.

I am simply grateful for my closeness to Indira. She is a down to earth woman, a real woman, a beautiful Mother, Sister, and my friend.


A few more pictures of Indira!

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