
Anime Scans

mars.jpg 1996 calendar page featuring Supersailormars

rei.jpg Rei in traditional robes, talking

mars3.jpg Sailormars attacking

angrymars6.jpg Sailormars' face with her hair flying up, looking angry

smars.jpg Sailormars leaning on a rock surrounded by flowers with the name "Mars" over her

rei8.gif Rei in a magic shop wearing a red outfit; from the SMS movie opening

reiofua.jpg Rei in her school uniform, performing Akuryo Taisan

marstwo.gif Sailormars posing with her hands under her hair

reicurry.jpg Rei imagining curry rice with a dreamy look on her face

markawaii.jpg sticker of super-deformed Supersailormars running with the word "Rei" under her

beautiful.jpg Rei in a chinese-style dress holding a fan

ldmars.jpg Laserdisc cover BSSM volume 3; Sailormars standing with her legs wide and making a peace sign

Marsfan.jpg front cover of the Sailormars fanbook featuring half of Rei's face

burning_mandala.jpg shot-by-shot sequence of Supersailormars performing Burning Mandala

mars11.jpg Sailormars with her eyes closed and her hands on her hips, looking annoyed

mars19.jpg Sailormars from the waist up with a little smile

Cels and Sketches

mars07.jpg Sailormars holding a sword

mars10.jpg Supersailormars injuring and holding onto her head

reifire.jpg Rei in her traditonal robes meditating before flames

Moonmars.jpg Sailormoon freaking out as Sailormars falls over

marspen1.jpg sketch of Sailormars' face in profile

mars5.jpg cropped, Sailormars jumping down to attack


amirei.jpg Ami and Rei in gowns surrounded by flowers

marscrol.jpg Supersailormars holding an anti-evil scroll

mars09.jpg Supersailormars looking up

card2mars.jpg Sailormars from the chest up, holding up one arm

rei0009s.jpg Rei in her school uniform with one hand on her chest

hino_rei.jpg Rei in her school uniform with the name "Hino Rei" written in script

mars313.jpg super-deformed Sailormars in the same position as when she poses in front of her astrological sign after transformation

Raye20.jpg Rei from the waist-up in her school uniform, smiling

Mercmars23.jpg Ami and Rei's faces in the background with Supersailormars and Supersailormercury posing in the foreground

starmars.jpg Supersailormars' face in the background with Supersailormars' full body in the foreground

rei13.jpg from the opening sequence of Sailormoon Sailorstars season showing Rei holding many packages from a shopping spree and stumbling

rei33.jpg Rei in her miko robes, sweeping, as a late (as always) Usagi can be seen running in the background

rei9.jpg Rei in a kimono with a red purse, sitting on a wooden bench

jupmarsyell.jpg cropped, Sailorjupiter and Sailormars, side-by-side and yelling

mars09.jpg super-deformed Sailormars sitting on a star

marsmerc31.jpg showing Sailormars and Sailormercury standing side-by-side and shouting

mars14.jpg Supersailormars floating and looking back at the "camera"

mars26.jpg cropped, Sailormars with her arms crossed


neptmars.jpg Supersailormars laughing merrily (and being embarrassed) at herself after looking silly in front of Supersailorneptune (who is standing next to her)

mars2.jpg Supersailormars with a giant head, smacking herself, a giant sweatdrop hanging over her (after embarrassing herself in front of Supersailorneptune once again)

Mars26.jpg Sailormars playing Jenga

gaga2.jpg Sailormoon and Sailormars going gaga over someone, probably Tuxedo Kamen

Makorei.jpg Makoto looks worried but Rei looks happy

Mars20.jpg Supersailormars performing Mars Flame Sniper

Minarei9.jpg Rei and Minako with their eyes closed, blushing and smiling as their hands are clasped in front of their faces (they're dreaming of the Three Lights)

rei274.jpg Rei looking behind her, making a "baka" face (in Japan, kids express the equivalent of an American's "nanny-nanny-boo-boo" by pulling down the lower eyelid, sticking out the tongue and saying "behhhhh")

Transparent GIFs

mars3879.jpg Supersailormars kneeling and holding a scroll

Marcollar.gif Supersailormars from the shoulders up

mangamars.gif color manga scan; Sailormars waist-up with one arm out

rei1.gif color manga scan, Sailormars from the shoulders up

s-mars5.gif color manga scan, Sailormars standing with her arm at her chest

mars_arms1.gif Sailormars with her arms crossed over her head

rei2.gif color manga scan, Rei nude from the shoulders up

Color Manga Scans

manmars3.jpg Sailormars standing

mars111.jpg Sailormars from the waist up holding a scroll

Rei4.jpg Rei in her traditional robes surrounded by tree branches

mars35.jpg maroon-tinted, Rei in a beautiful gown

mars45.jpg Rei's face; she looks a little snooty but beautiful nonetheless

mars93.jpg Rei in a long white gown, her face in profile

rei301.jpg Rei in a white blouse; Mako's arm can be seen around her

rei794.jpg Rei laying on her stomach, wearing a yellow-and-blue bikini

akuryotaisan.jpg Sailormars performing Akuryo Taisan (yes, that is what the hiragana across the top says)

maaura.jpg Sailormars' face surrounded by a red aura

Black and White Manga Scans

rei78.jpg Rei with sunglasses, holding a drink

reismile.jpg reeeally beautiful pic of Rei smiling

Bwmina8.jpg Rei in her school uniform standing next to Minako in her volleyball uniform

marsmerc12.jpg Sailorstarmars and Sailorstarmercury standing side-by-side