Japanese animation, or anime for short, is a distinct style of storytelling, with animated characters drawn in various styles to act out the plot. Not all animes are good; some are downright horrible, but some become popular enough to earn fans all around the globe. (Such as Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon) Nevertheless, anime is something meant for entertainment, and while sometimes people can get caught up in the hoopla, it's just a visual way of telling a story. There are three generally well known types of anime: shoujo, anime usually involving girls with magical powers or romantic comedies (directed at a target audience of girls); shounen, anime usually involving mecha and is usually more gritty than shoujo (directed at a target audience of boys); and hentai...the X-rated stuff. The following pages cover mostly shoujo anime, so if you're looking for shounen or even hentai stuff, sorry, I'm afraid I don't have any information for you.
All animes mentioned in the following pages are property of their respective owners. Page Version: 2.1