Lil' Fact Page

Did You Know?

  • Silver Millennium was the name for the kingdom on the moon?
  • Beryl answered to a higher queen named Metallia? [that black gaseous stuff she often called upon for guidance in the NA version]
  • Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, Kunzite, and Beryl are all types of minerals?
  • {manga-only} Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite all used to date the four other inner senshi in Silver Millennium? [it was Jadite-Rei, Nephrite-Makoto, Zoisite-Ami, and Kunzite-Minako]
  • In the Dark Kingdom, under Metallia's influence, Zoisite and Kunzite were gay & going out w/ each other?
  • Each of the girls' names mean something in Japanese? [Ex.: Tsukino Usagi=rabbit on the moon; Hino Rei=Spirit of the Fire]
  • All the senshi, plus Tuxedo Kamen, died during that last battle with Beryl?
  • Alan's and Ann's Japanese names were Ail and Ann? [It's a pun on words: sound it out, and it sounds like Alien!]
  • Ail and Ann were not tied to Beryl or the Dark Kingdom in anyway. [That was a NA dub tie in.]
  • Reenie's Japanese name is "Usagi", just like Tsukino they call her "Chibiusa" instead. [Chibi means "little" or "small" in Japanese]
  • The Negamoon is really the Black Moon Family....and does not tie in with the Dark Kingdom. [Again, another NA tie-in]
  • Chibiusa's "Luna Ball" is really called "Luna-P", and it lets her communicate with a woman named "Puu"....not a woman sounding like Luna.
  • The senshi go to the future, 30th century earth, to help defeat the Black Moon family.....and find that Chibiusa is Usagi + Mamoru's future daughter.
  • Chibiusa becomes SailorChibiMoon during season S, because her mother [Neo-Queen Serenity] wants her to learn how to use her powers and to make new friends
  • Sailorsaturn's alternate form, Tomoe Hotaru, was the host for one of the Death Busters' more powerful warriors?
  • More to come in the future! Stay tuned!

If you'd like the American equivalents of any of the attacks, I'll do my best to post them up. However, some of the attacks are from seasons that DIC has never translated, so there ARE no American equivalents. Drop by again soon! :)

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Page version 1.11
Last updated May 2000