WELCOME TO THE ESPER'S SHRINE! have entered the Esper's Shrine. (Sorry the counter looks so tacky!)

Welcome to a beginner's guide of Japanese Animation or ANIME. After noticing THOUSANDS of different anime pages on the Internet I decided to construct a page for new fans of anime. ALL my reviews are spoiler free(unless indicated. It's really hard trying to review things spoiler free!).

 NOTE: This page is still heavily under construction so you'll have to wait a while until I can get them finished( It's really hard because I've got school!!!)

 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW!!!!!! Check out my new section:

Favorite Anime Character!


Count on finished pages : 4

Fushigi Yuugi

Oh! My Goddess

Maison Ikkoku

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Here are my reviews to come:

3x3 Eyes

Blue Seed

Bubblegum Crisis

Castle of Cagliostro

Detective Conan


Dominion Tank Police

Dragon Ball Z


Fatal Fury

* Fushigi Yuugi *

Galaxy Fraulien Yuna

Gunmn (Battle Angel Alita)

Gunsmith Cats


Here is Greenwood

Irresponsible Captain Tylor

Key the Metal Idol

Kiki's Delivery Service



Magical Girl Pretty Sammy

Magical Knights Rayearth

* Maison Ikkoku *

Marmalade Boy

Mata Mata SaberMarionette J



*Neon Genesis Evangelion*

Nurse Angel Ririka SOS

* Oh! My Goddess *


Phantom Quest Corps

Plastic Little

Project A-ko

Ranma 1/2

Record of Lodoss War

Ruroni Kenshin

Sailor Moon

Samurai Shodown

Shamanic Princess


Sol Bianca 1 & 2

Street Fighter

Tenchi Muyo

Tokyo Babylon

Vampire Princess Miyu

Video Girl Ai

Visions of Escaflowne

Wings of Homeanise

X / 1999

You're Under Arrest

Yu Yu Hakusho


I have a dedicated team of reviewers known as:

Anime Esper - Of Course! I maintain this page and continuously try to find the most up-to-date news and reviews floating around the world of anime.

Lina Inverse - Yes!-it's the spell casting, short sorceress that eats a lot!! If you don't know me, check out Slayers. I'm the main assistant to Anime Esper and the most beautiful reviewer!!

 WARNING!!: This page only holds general information about each anime reviewed. For more information go to the Anime Turnpike.

Another great page to check out is Otakuworld.

Also visit Anime Art that has tons of different anime galleries for your enjoyment!

If any of my links are wrong or out-dated please send me a message.

Any comments or suggestions e-mail me at animeesper@geocities.com


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