Welcome to Jonissa and Friends' World

Michael (aka Pretty Boy) and yours truly were at a semi-formal party in January 1999. Don't I look ghostly white? Well, blame it on the amateur photographer....actually, blame it on layers of make-up. kekeke

Yours trulywith nieces Michelle, Tami, and Kim at bro's wedding reception in April 1999. It was one of the worst days of my life. It was also the day I first laid eyes on my honeyfart Michael . *wink wink*

Jennifer, mea, Jay, and Ginny celebrated the premiere showing of Jay's second film " Truth " at Benaroya Hall. This picture was taken in May 1999. Jay is a renown Korean filmmaker in Seattle. His first critically acclaimed film "My Brown Eyes" won several awards at film festivals, and was shown on PBS.

From left to right are Beom, Baek, me, cousin Minh & Phi, Lee, Jennifer, Nathan, and Ginny. This picture was also taken at Jay's premiere party.


Ginny , Jeff, Kelly, and Nathan looking good in front of the camera. Kelly is one hot babe, eh? She's also a real sweet gal. Taken in June 1999.

From left to right are Celeste, Michael (my's honeyfart), me, Ginny , and Joy at Ginny's farewell party in July 1999. Ginny is now living in Taipei "to explore her heritage" or so she says. Yeah....uh..huh, Ginny! :) We all know you're searching for a prospect. *wink wink*

Jennifer, Lee, me, and Michael posed on a boat during a cruise party in Vancouver, British Columbia, in July 1999. The building in the background is called Canada Place which is a replica of a cruise ship. Vancouver is a beautiful city.

Ooooh...scary!!...especially, the girl in the middle next to She-Ra!!!! hee hee From back left to right are Jennifer, Michael , Jay , Katy, and Tony. From middle left to right are Victoria, Celeste, me, Joy, and my honeyfart Michael . From front left to right are Phi and Minh.

There have been hits since March 1998.

"Children" by Robert Miles

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