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Welcome to Espers Field

19th October - This is the picture of us taken together. I look so happy, haha!

7th October- Ive found love. Her name is Sally. I hope this relationship will grow strong.

25th September 2001 - Its a Tuesday n this is my 1st update in many mths. hah, i dun even know if ppl are stiLL coming to this site but i do enjoys having a homepage. I suppose Im keepin it as a diary. hah, crazy me. keepin an online diary for the whole world to read. oh weLL, I just called my friend to try and get the negatives of photos taken during my final yr project. I just got the scanned copies u see. I dun have any 'hardcopies' and this is the old friend of my who's keeping the negatives. so if u were to see him on the streets of singapore. Stop him and remind him abt this !!! thanx !!! and oh yeah . teLL u abt my NS next time. Its kinda slack for my NS experience.

17th April 2001 - Gosh its Tuesday .. and im stiLL feeling blue . well abt myself ... name Marcus , Im a Singaporean, I speak english , chinese , jap , hokkien (chinese dialect) poorly . ive poor language skill but im a programmer . arhh , poor company who's gonna employ me =) , im at work now ... surfin the net to be exact for this is just a sch's attachment i need to complete for me to get my diploma . they pay me dirt , so i dun suppose they expect me to work as hard as the lady sitting across the office furniture frm where i am now . she's a workaholic ( 1st to reach office , shortest lunch break , last to go )! okie did i forgot to say she's the wife of the company's CEO ? hmm that might explain why she's so hardworking. I will be going for my national service soon . sucks . for those who do not know wat national service in singapore means ... it is spending 2 - 2/1/2 years of aLL the boys life in the Country Army picking up military skills to protect our (small small)land .. for my case its worse . I would be working as a clerk or lazing in the store for my basketball's pals frequently dislocate shoulder and that makes me non-operational . sad , happy ?? i dunno how to feel . i will be having a better life than the others but i will sure miss the brotherhood that army is all abt. darn . okie .okie . is it lunch break already ? my pic is found here . no complian but maybe its because of my sis who's standing next to me thats why i dun like this neo print =) , hah anyway feel free to visit her datenshiblue website , its abt the Jrock band Lucifer . weLL , im not a fan of them . Im a dir en grey , glay , larc en ciel , HIDE fan =)

26th March 2001 - It has almost been 4 years since I last enter this site for Ive lost the password to the site ... yes 4 years ! and while at work today , I went in and enter the "espers" under the password ... and taada ... here I am . weLL i did went in and change my password after that . Im happy ! but there's nothing for me to update other than to fix all the broken links ... so thats it . im finally recliam my 1st website .. marcus.

- kyousuke.e.field

Kimagure Orange Road

Kimagure Orange Road is a highly popular Japanese Manga (comics) written by Izumi Matsumoto in 1984 and produced by JUMP Comics . Though the show is almost a decade old, its memorable characters and situations have made it one of anime's enduring classics.

The Story

A romantic love comedy , it centers around the love triangle of Kasuga Kyousuke , Ayukawa Madoka and Hiyami Hikaru in their High School .

Kyousuke and other members of his family except his father posses ESP , and they have to keep their secret in order for them to lead a peaceful and normal live .

Release Info:

48 TV episodes - This largely followed the manga. The series ends with
Kyousuke and Madoka's trip to the past.

OAVs - "Hawaiian Suspense" and "White Lovers". The motif was to put the
KOR cast in exotic locations.

2 movie - "I want to Return to that Day"...the controversial film which chronicles the break up of the romantic triangle. "Shin Kimagure Orange Road" - based upon a novel about KOR after the first movie.

6 other OAVs - from various manga stories not covered in the TV series.

The voices behind

Kyosuke Kasuga .................................... Tohru Furuya
Madoka Ayukawa .................................. Hiromi Tsuru
Hikaru Hiyama ........................................ Eriko Hara
Manami Kasuga ...................................... Michie Tomizawa
Kurumi Kasuga ...................................... Chieko Honda
Jingoro ................................................... Ken'ichi Ogata
Yuusaku Hino ......................................... Masami Kikuchi
Seiji Komatsu ......................................... Keiichi Nanba
Kazuya Hatta .......................................... Naoki Tatsuta
Umao ..................................................... Katsumi Suzuki
Ushiko .................................................... Chisato Nakashima
ACBC Master ........................................ Yuusaku Yara
Akane ..................................................... Naoko Matsui
Kazuya ................................................... Chika Sakamoto
Takashi Kasuga ...................................... Kei Tomiyama
Kyosuke's grandfather ............................ Ken'ichi Ogata
Kyosuke's grandmother .......................... Reiko Suzuki
Madoka's older sister ............................. Maria Kawamura
Madoka's mother ................................... Yoshiko Sakakibara
Hikaru's mother ...................................... Chiyoko Kawashima
Yukari .................................................... Eiko Yamada
Mitsuru Hayakawa .................................. Yasunori Matsumoto
Yukari (ep 22) ........................................ Keiko Toda
Director (KOR movie) ............................ Shoo Hayami
Lecturer (KOR movie) ............................ Kouichi Yamadera
Reiko Fukami ("Message in Rogue") ........ Tomoko Maruo
Chie ("Unexpected Situation") .................. Satomi Koorogi
Michi ("Unexpected Situation") ................ Ai Orikasa
Shiori ("Heart On Fire") ........................... Yuko Mizutani
Madoka Ayukawa (KOR pilot) ............... Saeko Shimazu

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