Random Quotes Corner
A Little Bit of Yaoi
Black-Market Mongoose Salesmen
Stupid Photoshop Things
My Weblog (external link)
All About Me
You Spoony Bard!

Updated 2-7-03

Welcome to the Spoony Bard's Realm of Fanfiction. I've recently overhauled the entire site, as you can see, in hopes of easier navigating and an overall more visually appealing design, as well as (oooh, aaaah) rotating random quote in the corner. I have no idea how often I'll update them, though. ^_^*

If you're new here, you may be asking yourself, what is this page? That's fairly simple - it's just a personal page dedicated to my own fanfiction (I use the pen names "YoujiK33" and "Caryn Stevenson") and the writings of a handful of my friends. None of us are professional writers (although a few of us hope to be); don't expect too much, just wander around and be entertained.

Please, do not send me fic submissions. I don't have the time or energy to run an archive, and I also don't have the heart to turn down fics I don't like. If you send me a fic I will not put it up, so don't bother. If you really want to post your fanfiction try Fanfiction.net, or get your own free Geocities web space. You can fit plenty of .html and .txt files on the space they give you, trust me.

Wondering what lies on what page? Have no fear, for I will explain:

  • Fics: Self-explanatory. All the normal fics will be here, sorted by fandom.
  • Yaoi: This is a fairly small section dedicated to the yaoi/shonen ai subgenre. Don't know what that means? All the fics in this section are centered around male/male homosexual relationships. That doesn't necessarily mean they're graphic - all fics are marked with warnings. If that's not your cup o' tea, avoid it.
  • Dreams: Home of "Black Market Mongoose Salesmen", my page of completely insane dreams. Some of them are very amusing.
  • Photoshop: Stupid Photoshop Things. What happens when I get bored and start messing around. Mostly just dumb, but possibly worth a smile at least.
  • Miscellany: Random links and things that just don't really fit anywhere else.
  • Updates: A list of every update I make to this site, naturally.
  • Weblog: A link to my weblog, hosted by Pitas. Probably not very interesting unless you know me personally... and maybe not even then = )
  • Webmistress: Everything you wanted to know about me but were afraid to ask.

That's all for now. Enjoy, and don't be afraid to leave feedback for me or any of the other authors here!

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