VI) Japanese Army Did Not Intentionally Send Comfort Women to the Worse Battlefield.
Takagi insists Japanese Army intentionally sent comfort women to the worse battlefield. "Examination's Report of Psychological Warfare" (Translation Center of South-East Asia) reported, "though military authorities arranged to send back comfort women who had already paid their debt to their own countries, no people in a group of M739 (a brothel's dealer) were permitted to go them back by military authorities because of the worse war situation in June 1943. A comfort women in the group hoped to return, but she was persuaded by the military authority and she remained to stay there.
However, Japanese Army intentionally did not send them to the worse battlefield.
"Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49" told about eight hundreds of comfort women were recruited in this method, and they came with their Japanese "house master" (including M739 because "Examination's report of psychological warfare" was based on "Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49") at Rangoon, Burma around August 20th 1942. When did comfort women come to Rangoon with brothel's dealers? Burma was not the worse battlefield around August 20th, 1942.
Moreover, "Report of Question by SOPAC, the Number 0895" described that a Japanese soldier who became a prisoner testified comfort women in Rabaul. Comfort women moved far from there a few months before in order to avoid danger by bombing. Three staff officers testified comfort women were not sent to Rabauru by Japanese government but that they had been running a business before Japanese Army occupied Rabauru.
VII)Comfort House System of Japanese Army Was Similar to Brothel's System.
Japanese government approved a lot of brothels, called "Yuukaku" (Geisha worked at "Yuukaku.") in various parts of Japan by 1955. Japanese government had officially recognized prostitution until 1955, and it established national brothel's system,
"Kousyou-Seido," with two big features.
First, the woman who wanted to become a prostitute must go to the police station in person, and she should be on the prostitutes' list.
Second, the police had to confirm whether comfort women got their parents' consent or not when the police issued ID cards for the women who wanted to work at brothel, "Yuukaku." The women without parents required her master's consents. If the woman insisted that she didn't have anyone who would consent, the police had to research whether her insistence was true or not, and the police had to research their contracts and backgrounds to avoid kidnapping.
Comfort house system of Japanese Army was similar to national brothel's system in Japan.
"Logistics at Wuhan" (1943) by Seikichi Yamada told:
After comfort women reached Hankou, they must appear themselves with brothel's dealers at comfort logistics. Officers investigated their photographs and copies of their family registration, letters of their parent's consent, their written oath, letters of police's permission, and identification cards issued by local government.
Officers directly asked them their personal histories and backgrounds. (Officers filled out comfort women's past record, their parents' address, their previous occupation, their family members, sum of their debt) After they became comfort women, officers added their reward and punishment, criminal history, characteristics.
According to "Regulation of restaurants and comfort house in Manila (Report on an investigation of ATIS, number 17910)," those who were permitted to start a business had to hand in three letters of employees' list (including comfort women) and history, and three applications for the permission of their jobs at brothel to officers.
For example, a employee's list: Name - Lixiang-lan, Birth - September 30th 1926, Former address -Nanjing road, Shanghai, registered place - ZhongZheng Roadi, Suzhou, Occupation - prostitute on Stage name - Tatsuko. "Cases How to Handle Women Who Would Make A Voyage to China" (on 23 Feburary 1938) told comfort women must have been gradually explained to work at brothels.
Reference Data
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