Roses and Peonies: 
The Soldier of Love & the Romantic Deity of Death

Opposites attract. - many of you may disagree to this reason, but in fact... opposites make the best couples in real life. Usually, 'birds of the same feather flock together' refers to a group of friends or peers. A best friend's attitude is usually the opposite of yours; however that doesn't necessarily mean you have different ideas. Besides, in most anime, couples are opposites of each other. It's because the other compliments the other in terms of attitude. :)

He's the only one who treats her like a woman.- I don't mean this literally, of course. ^-^ I mean, Botan is a woman; and Kurama treats her that way. He doesn't treat her like a girl/kid like the other guys do. He has intelligent conversations with the lady (even if she doesn't know a single thing about the topic), giving her respect, understanding, and not calling her names and insulting her all the time.

Botan? A flower? - This is a tad bit of a shallow reason, but I'm just adding all the possibilites of how and why these two are paired up together. ;) Botan's name is usually written in hiragana. But Botan's name in Kanji means 'peony', which is a kind of flower. And you know how Kurama adores flowers and plants. By the way, ever consider or wonder about 'Botan' and 'Botany'...?

He says, she says - Ever noticed that in Yu Yu Hakusho dialogues, whenever Botan talks, Kurama answers? And whenever Kurama talks, Botan answers? Check out our sound files --when they're up! ^-^;; *looks at Mars* Aren't you supposed to be in charge of the sound files page??

Designer clothes? - They're both great dressers. Ok, ok... so this is another shallow reason, but what the heck. We need all the clues, heeheehee. ^-^v Aside from Kurama's Chinese clothes, and Botan's kimonos, these two hit it off really well with their style of clothes.

Let's Rock! - On a shirt I saw before where he plays lead guitar, and she plays the synth (keyboard), she was eyeing him looking very thrilled (sequence: Keiko is looking at Yusuke; Yukina is looking at Hiei ...since Kuwabara is way at the back playing the drums.). Wanna see the pic? There's one at the Real Thing Gallery. :D

At a Glance- Several scenes in the TV series have caught our attentions, telling us that Kurama and Botan can or may be more than just friends.

Pass the Popcorn, please.- In the 1st YYH movie, "Vengeance of Koashura", Botan was knocked off her oar by a winged youkai. Kurama came, and saved her from the fall (In the film book, it took 5 boxes to show how Kurama saved her). There's a pic in in the Real Thing Gallery. :D

*** I have never seen the Yu Yu Hakusho Valentine OVA special, but word has it that Kurama tried to court Botan because he liked her. Hiei, too, liked Botan. And I think the two youkai were able to steal a kiss from her. ***