Here are the awards you can win from me! The plaques and descriptions for each are displayed here.
This is the award I give out more often to sites I like. I usually give it to sites with at least one of these characteristics:
This award is exclusive to my top ten favorite sites only (which, at the time of my writing this, is still undecided), the Decalinque. The same criteria goes for this award, except for an added one: I have to really love your site! ^^ I have to warn you that some of these sites happen to be my friends' sites, but they are listed in the Decalinque for the right reasons, as the reviews will probably tell you.
Oh, the Kraiders aren't included here! I've made it a point not to include my cousins, so no one will ever accuse me of nepotism. ^_- (Still, I think their sites are the best and they deserve far better awards than this...)
The winners of "Decalinqued" are displayed in the Decalinque in the Water Slide.
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